Whip or extension plug

I would like the hood extension for a couple reasons at least.
-where I mounted my adjustable FPR, having the hood off makes it way easier to see and adjust
-being able to run the engine with the hood off makes it way easier to check for exhaust leaks
-leaning the hood up against the sled to be able to connect and run the engine can be cumbersome.
I was troubleshooting one recently and I had to keep taking the hood on and off multiple times.
I was troubleshooting one recently and I had to keep taking the hood on and off multiple times.

I fail to see why one would need this extension.

You're not supposed to do a boost check on the sled gauge, or it will code out and need the clear code flash done to fix it anyway. There was a warning on this many years ago from TD back when they found out the hard way on this.
I was thinking of spraying soap and water around to see if there is any bubbles around the bov. Kind of hard to do with the hood on. Also check for exhaust leaks. If I don’t ever use it for 30$ it’s on the shelf just in case I guess.
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I was actually on cat country and they have a 16 pin plug hood harness extension.It should be the same I have an email into them. I’ll give update when I receive an answer.
I had one from Arctic Cat for my 1100 since I could not run the sled with the hood off. It was handy.
