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Who can get me parts


Jan 30, 2011
Story short, I screwed up and the order that I thought went through didnt go through last week argh.

I have a small parts list that I need in Lowville NY by next Friday. Does anyone know of a company that stocks Apex parts and can ship monday?

Long story version

Im in TX right now for work and the day before I left I took the sled out for its maiden voyage. Well apparently the loctite I used was crap because I lost a had full of bolts which resulted in other things being deposited on the trail on said "maiden voyage". So last thursday I compiled a list of what fell off and what might have fallen off and placed an order ( I did somthing wrong and the order never went through ). I just realized it wed night and forgot to place an order last night. So I need a company or website that ( Can get my parts to me by next Friday ).

Oh and ive tried 4 different place online and the best I can get even with next day air is 1/20 - 1/24...... LOL thats not NEXT DAY :o| :o|

X2, my dealer get me parts next day as long as it is not back or cross ordered.
Yeah Mike is a good guy, I get all my parts from him usually. My only problem is I will be getting home Sunday and he isnt open.... That gives me an idea ( maybe he can stash then out back for me) and I can pick them up on my way through.
excellmotorsports south of u in hubbardsville has alot of parts in stock... there over cny powersports in cortland has alot as well
If I was home I would just run down to Hudsons and get all the parts I need used. But im in TX and wont be home until either a sat or sun. Which most people are closed on.
Mike is a great guy. Once again he is going to put my parts outback so I can get them Sunday.
