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why does the search engine suck

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Dec 28, 2009
How about fixing this.
I saw a post called free apex service manual download. I searched for it and nothing but crap comes up. Then i do a google search and the page comes right up. WTF?
Here it is
http://www.ty4stroke.com/viewtopic.php? ... c&start=30

The posts name is "free apex service manual download"

If you moderators want people to use the search before posting you should make it actually work. It's goddamned 2013. :o|

Before you vent on the moderators in the future, PERHAPS YOU SHOULD USE THE SEARCH CORRECTLY!

A search using these terms "apex service manual download" and clicking the "search for all terms" bullet just below the textbox, returned 12 matches of which your linked thread was number 4.

Have a Happy New Year with your new found knowledge.
Bunk search engine

What's up guys. Your quick!!
Like i said the search engine stinks. The default setup is set at "search for ANY terms or use query as entered"
This should produce a result. But it does not, even if i enter query exactly. Did not think i should have to adjust default settings to produce a satisfactory result ,and i should not.

Hey sleddog sorry about my comment, had a rough day. Sounds like you might have to if you think that's a smart #*$&@ comment.

Hopefully next year is better.
Re: Bunk search engine

idahorider said:
What's up guys. Your quick!!
Like i said the search engine stinks. The default setup is set at "search for ANY terms or use query as entered"
This should produce a result. But it does not, even if i enter query exactly. Did not think i should have to adjust default settings to produce a satisfactory result ,and i should not.

Hey sleddog sorry about my comment, had a rough day. Sounds like you might have to if you think that's a smart #*$&@ comment.

Hopefully next year is better.


I do think its a smart #*$&@ remark and also disrespectful to the mods of this site who do this as a service to you as volunteers. Luckily for you I do not have a holiday button to press. Mr Sled will be dealing with you shortly I am sure.
here's a quote from another forum i frequent:

"This is a commercially operated website. You have no freedom of speech here nor any other Constitutionally protected rights. You are our guest as long as we allow it. We do not charge for the use of this board and we will suspend you at will. You may not conduct business on this board openly or privately without permission."

clear and concise statement.
Crewchief47 said:
Before you vent on the moderators in the future, PERHAPS YOU SHOULD USE THE SEARCH CORRECTLY!

Have a Happy New Year with your new found knowledge.

Sled Dog said:
Any more smart #*$&@ remarks like this and you will start the year with a holiday!

Sled Dog said:
I do think its a smart #*$&@ remark and also disrespectful to the mods of this site who do this as a service to you as volunteers. Luckily for you I do not have a holiday button to press. Mr Sled will be dealing with you shortly I am sure.

woolyviper said:
clear and concise statement.

Where I believe the original poster was rather rude, I must admit I too sometimes find the search function not very helpful at times. This doesn't mean there is something wrong with the function, but more likely I didn't word something to match quite right. What about having a "tips and tricks to searching" tab in the search function? Typically, I find most of my info in the corresponding forum sections. I have asked for help on commonly asked things before and have never had someone tell me to use search next time, so maybe you just have the ability to rub people the wrong way when asking questions idahorider. Thx to all of you that keep answering my questions, and the volunteers that run this place!

(edited for grammar, no wonder search doesn't always work for me)
Happy New Year guys!

Rather than saying that the search function "sucks" and placing the blame on the persons who are volunteering their time and expertise to help us, it would be much better to offer suggestions to make the search function work better for everyone's benefit.

I use the search function frequently and I have found it quite useful. One thing that I would like to suggest is a way to search only the topic title without searching the message text. It looks to me like the only two options are "Search topic title and message text" & "Search message text only"

I would like to see a third option "Search topic title only". If there is already a way to do this that I am missing please let me know. Thanks again to Mr. Sled and all of the moderators who work hard to make this the best sled forum on the internet IMHO.
I can understand the OP's frustration. I've had difficulties finding the results I want with the search function as well. I don't understand why the default setting would not be the setting that would provide the most accurate results?
the search function is a boolean search - it will search for any of the terms (OR) or all of the terms (AND). by clicking the correct radio button you tell the search engine search for any of the terms or all of the terms. Just the way it works - it's not like google where the boolean operations are contained in keyword field.
Boolean.. Whoo, I took a course in Boolean algebra maybe 50 years ago. Before the internet.LOL RR I too sometimes have bad luck searching even on Google.
woolyviper said:
the search function is a boolean search - it will search for any of the terms (OR) or all of the terms (AND). by clicking the correct radio button you tell the search engine search for any of the terms or all of the terms. Just the way it works - it's not like google where the boolean operations are contained in keyword field.

Wow, the last time I remember HAVING to do that was 20 yrs ago to search a library database. I know I'm not doing something right because I've put my search terms in using the AND and OR and have never been impressed with my results. I guess I'm just to used to how every other search engine works where you just type in the term or terms and are able to quickly narrow down your results. My guess is if the search function was more user friendly we'd see far fewer duplicate posts about the same things, i.e. "what are the best skis for my Nytro", etc.
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