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Why is my sled so fast?!


Jan 5, 2006
Still only have a total of 250 miles (probably 20+ hours) on my recent mods (M7, 162x16x2.3x2.52, etc.) so have not dared to test my workmanship in too deep yet. Finally took the thing out to some of my more distant play spots (32 miles of trail round trip) and noticed something strange, the sled is faster indicated than with the 151 track. 20/40 gearing/8 tooth, I chickened out at 91 mph (indicated). Knowing this sled as I do from last year, it had another 10 if I was willing to hang on (I wasn't).

Is my actual speed closer to the speedo with the longer track, vice versa, or doesn't matter? As I remember, the speedo read about 10% high with the 151 track.

This track is a solid 10# heavier than the 151 was, yet I'm pulling an extra 200 rpm with it (10700ish). Maybe the engine is finally breaking in (pushing 3K miles).

I guess its a good thing :Rockon:


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Hard to explain, unless the gearing is letting you open up. Although, I was suprised to find our sleds didn't lose any top speed going to the 159. When my son had a 159 and I still had a 151 we drag raced a bunch of times and were consistantly neck and neck the whole way. Same story with the old 151's.
If you didn't change your drivers I would guess the speedo is just as inaccurate as before.
But you've got one BIG track! Looks mean.
We found that longer track sled with proper gear are faster in loose and deep snow than shorter (151). But 20/40 is a good combo of gear, you are strong.
Mark......very nice! That thing is awesome looking. I was trying to tell if you had the Holz relocation brackets on the front arm. If not, it is night and day difference in ride. I was thinking about calling you yesterday on my way over the pass, but didn't have your number. I would love to stop by and see that thing!

Well Thanks guys,
What doesn't show is the gaping hole behind the seat I've yet to cover, got some snow down my pants thursday. Pretty crazy weather were having in the NW, good for nothing but speed testing. Of course the one thing I can't seem to get around to is putting the scratchers back on, and now we really need them (whats next, studs?!) Got the anti-stab wheels on though so I am ready should it ever snow again (thanks for the link Aaron). BTW no Holz brackets yet, its on my list though, along with putting my skid plate back on.

Well I'm certainly not going to worry about lowering my top end speed if and when I ever get around to replacing the 20 tooth with a 19.

Thanks all for the comments, Mark


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