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Why no issues with my hyfax? Pics....


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Nov 28, 2006
Syracuse, NY
06 Attak with over 9000 miles. I believe this is the 3rd or 4th set of hyfax. This particular pair have over 2000 miles on them. I hear all the horror stories about them and just wanted to share what I have done. Nothing! Everything is stock! Everything! My track is not studded. Do the people that stud their tracks have the issues? My track is obvously loose. Is it too loose? It does not ratchet at all. I will admit that I do not pin it when starting off, I don't jump it and I don't think I ride that aggressively. I seldom get passed on the trail though. The hyfax issues that people have mystify me as I have not had the problems with 2 Yamaha's. (06 Vector GT and this Attak)

These pics are with the rear of the sled off the ground and show the part of the hyfax that is the most worn.


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On my '08 APEX L-TX 136" I got 8000kms/5000miles on a set and still had some left, I'm totally stock except 1 set of marginals I added this year w/stock RIPSAW closed every 3rd and I also ride mostly high speeds...
That is pretty much what my slides looked like at the end of the season last year. I've put over 1000 kms on this year so far without changing them and they haven't worn any more. Last two seasons I started the season with a new set of slides only to have them wear to this point in a few hundred kms and then stop wearing after that. This year I didn't bother changing them and like I said they haven't worn any more. I am studded and have two sets of fix wheels.


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I just changed my first set of slides on my 06 Apex at about 3800 miles. I think that is pretty good. I have no complaints about slide wear. My sled has 192 studs as well.
I have 4700 miles on my original set of hyfax. There is about half of the hyfax there yet.

At first they wore quickly but after that they haven't wore at all. I also have 192 studs too.
how to prevent slides from wearing out

I have been riding sleds for over thirty years, all makes and models, In all those years I have never had to change slides on any machine I have owned because they actually wore out , I know that sounds weird but its true, I find that people tighten the tracks way too tight whick tends to wear out the slides, I changed the slides on my wifes 04 rx1 this summer just because I had the suspension out, with 7,000 miles they still had lots of life left in them. I find road running kills slides, if you must run roads always try to hit the side of a snowbank once and a while to keep fresh snow in the track. Radar running on glare ice also tends to kill sliders. the odd run wont kill them but up and down the track multiple times will. . I always try go out when conditions are good or fair. I wont go out if the trails are solid ice after a major thaw, no lubrication. I dont have any marginal snow wheels or anything like that, I dont think they make that much of a difference. anyway hope this helps
I have had the same experience as many of you, wear to near the line in a few hundred miles. Then stay the same til I change them for next season then same all over again. This year I have over 2200 miles and they are at the line, not through.

Has any one tried to use them till they wear through the line, how much room to spare if any?

I measured the line with some calipers on a new set and the amount after the line and it's 3-4mm left when at the line. I used to change mine all the time too, but not this year and the wear has stopped. I also use to have to do a lot of track clips too but not anymore. It was probably because of putting on hyfax to soon!
I agree. I was always changing them on my RX. Got the Apex and I realized they wear fast to just above the line and stay there. Rode yesterday in fairly warm conditions (30-34) and I held it to the bar on an old railroad grade on my last ride back to the hotel and they did not wear any more. And I held it for miles.

I'm going to leave them alone and see what happens....
