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Witch windshield for my apex xtx ?


TY 4 Stroke Master
Nov 4, 2012
Wisconsin Rapids , WI
2012 apex xtx
Got the sled last fall and my helmet was freezing up and so was my face, witch one do you guys recommend?

The stock XTX shield has been one of my favorites so far. I have added handguards only for the purpose of the little mirrors in them. I wear a snowcross helmet as well. But I do use a Klim Arctic balaclava. We don't ride below -20f usually. That's my mental limit if not physical.

So I will be the first to stick up with the stocker over anything larger or smaller.
i run the stocker on both my sleds as well but i am investing in the lower panel to windsheild defelctors after a few -40 rides. just need another set for my sled as one guy on ebay will not ship to canada. have a set for hers.
Just replaced mine with.... another stocker. 14,000 ish miles and all but a couple hundrevwith +5" riser. Are you sure yours is stock? Just trying to confirm. If you bought it used PO may have changed it out.
that looks like the stock one in the pic just from where the bars are in relation height wise. i know as soon as you raise the bars, you need handgaurds to cut the wind as both my apex are +3 and +4 risers.
Have the hand guards, hands were good but my face and helmet was frosting up . I had to stop a few times because I think frost bite was starting.
It looks like an aftermarket seat when I was on the stock seat the stock windshield worked perfect the convex in the center throws the air up and over you when I went to the wrp seat +3 inches the stock windy threw the wind right up my helmet under my chin. I had just been dealing with it but was going to get the extra tall with the support brackets for it but I decided to fix it buy buying a sidewinder instead and now it is my sons sled so he can figure it out from here.
