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XTX Limiter straps torn

over 800 miles and no issues with straps until......... i broke trail the other day through a lot of deep snow with kind of a hard crusty layer over the top,going very slow ,no problem,going very fast no problem,about 20-30 mph i got a very bad vibration from under neath sled i have never heard before,it must have been just the right speed to compress the front of the suspension enough that the slack of the limiter straps would get sucked up into the lugs on the top of the track,now they have some neat little burn marks at the top just below the bolt and washer like in most of the pics on this post,i hadnt done a lot of deep snow riding and when i did it was fresh powder,i mostly trail ride anyway so i will just stay out of the deep stuff but i will weld more "keepers" onto shaft next fall when i have unit apart

Yes but dealer is a three hour round trip. and they wanted to keep my sled for two days I had no choice.Why should I have to take my sled to the dealer every time something like this happens? between work and a 600 mile round trip to get to the snow there would be no time to ride.Yamaha should take stuff like this in to account .If people are having problems with something like this just let them install the part . :o| part #8hl-47495-00
That's sickening.

I say in the spring, bring your sled to the Dealer with the old broken straps mounted back on and have them change it out for warranty then. At least you'll have an extra set for the next time.
I will look at mine but I have 1300 miles and just had to have it in for the front rear shock replaced due to spring pad on top side of shock being bent and dislodged for normal seated possition. They were under there so I would think they would have said something if the straps looked shabby.
Wow!! I can't believe how blue most of you loyal Ty 4 members blood really is! How about agreeing that this is an issue and demanding a fix. Almost all of you say is to claim it under warranty (No S4!t). I'm sure I can speak for most of you out there that are not brand loyal and say that this is an issue that will keep reoccurring if it is not taken care of correctly-(remount the bottom shaft to keep straps clear of track lugs so they don't spin and allow them to get caught up in the track)

As for all of you out there still in denial: Bleed Blue, S4!t Blue, and of course P!22 Blue.

You may think I have a lot of anger built up, Yup! It's because I have another issue on my skid and the parts won't be here for two weeks so the dealer told me to keep riding it. THAT’S GREAT! How about stocking some parts Yamaha!
I hear ya Wis Sledder. I took matters into my own hands because I can't find a dealer in my area that I would trust to fix a wheelbarrow.
I just took my skid apart after about 1,100 miles and saw my straps were shot.

At the end of the spring on the front shock is a "Washer" that has two sharp edges. One side of mine was bent up about an 1/8 of an inch, this looks like it would be the cause for the tear in my strap.

Anyone else have this?
I tore one last season at about 900 miles. I am not sure how it happened. I was going to try the large fender washers idea this year. I bought 4 stainless washers to secure the limiter straps.

What is the latest on this issue?

I picked up a 09 xtx new couple weeks ago, today I was looking at limiter straps, and with all of the talk about the straps rotating and wearing, why cant you just take a small flat washer about the size of a dime and a self tapping screw and screw threw strap into cross shaft that would prevent lower mount from rotating, and then use the larger washer trick for the top mount,??? :Rockon:

Took my skid apart a month or so ago and the btm of both front limiter straps were starting to wear. Ordered 2 new straps and put those in. Didn't really think too much about it but after reading this post I'm going to have to look closer at why this happened.

I have about 1800 on my xtx and not one sign of any wear or signs of breaking, and I have not touched them, same hole as they were from the factory, maybe you guys shouldnt move them....just an idea !!!
Re: straps

bitchnblue09 said:
I have about 1800 on my xtx and not one sign of any wear or signs of breaking, and I have not touched them, same hole as they were from the factory, maybe you guys shouldnt move them....just an idea !!!

Have not touched them, they and everything else was straight from the factory.
