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xtx suspension setup


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Dec 3, 2006
Hampton, NH
I'm picking up my xtx from the dealer friday on the trip north. While my phazer had the clicker shocks I don't think i ever touched any part of the suspension.. bad on my part, I want to take the time and set this xtx up right.

I heard the rear skid has control rods and a limiter strap... do they both adjust how much from ski pressure I have? I want the sled to corner flat so from what I understand I may want to tighten up the front limiter strap... but what about the control rods... How about the clickers front and rear... Too much rebound causes the front end to bonce up and skis to lose contact, right? Should I play with the rear skid shocks to keep my front end settled ... or just worry about the front?

With the group of people I ride with I'm by far the fastest so i'll have time to test out different combo's, and then change them at intersections as i wait for the rest to catch up. I just don't want to be blindly changing things. I'm almost tempted to take a note pad and glove friendly pen to jot down changes

Edit: I'm 220lb before gear for reference

hey im about 230lb with gear and i have everything maxed lol because i ride very hard and the trail around her are bad. i have the front maxed in the clickers and the spring maxed and rebound on 4. i plan on making it a lil softer but no much. i have the rear tortion springs on max and rear clicker maxed and i still bottem out but yamaha doesnt make a stiffer springs. i left the front strap on the stock hole but i added about 1/4 inch front spring pressure because it had to much ski pressure stock.i left the rear transfer adjustment stock but i plan on backing them off (less transfer). im waiting till i get my new skis to make more adjustments so keep in mind that i havent played with the setings much and i plan on making changes. the book is a MUST read because it sais what max and min on the clickers and with the springs.

good luck
