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Yamaha 120 Hp truths, and myths???


Oct 16, 2004
Northern Wisconsin
As you guys know I have been looking at upgrading from a REv to a Yamaha 120 Hp class sled...not sure which one yet (see my other post)...but I have been reading your posts and asking some questions.

I keep seeing...extremely fast speeds that some guys claim to be getting out of their vectors....116-118-119 mph...I call BS!!!! My old Viper used to read 123 mph going across the lake...as fast as she'd go...throttle to the bars....when I finally had her radared....it showed me how far off yamaha's speedos are...106-107 was all she did..not bad...but disapointing...that means my speedo was off 16-17 mph...YIKES..I know many of you know the speedo's are way off..but some knuckleheads actually think their vectors will do 120 mph..I know this is not true...my 600 rev ho does 103-105 on radar, and I have not lost to a vector on a lake (they clobber me out of the hole...but I always reel em in and pass em, around 80-85). Like it or not the Rev's have alot of top end.

I am not trying to rip on the vectors...Just want people to realize what they are...a 120 hp sled...and a good one at that. but not some lake rocket that will do 120 mph...the Vectors are 100 mph sleds (depending on conditions, and rider weight..etc).

Somebody asked me..if my rev was faster on top....why would I want to get rid of it for a slower sled??? That's an easy question....no more synthetic oil at $35 dollars a gallon...no more 8-10 mpg while trail riding (my rev is carbed)....no more cleaning power valves every 1,000 miles, no more cleaning black soot off the belly pan after every ride...no more smelling like a smoke stack after a day of riding....and no more being cramped up after 100 miles (I'm 6' 1").

I am jealous of you guys with 120 HP yamahas...they are great sleds...if top speed was the only thing that mattered I'd keep my rev....but it doesn't matter to me...just don't tell me your stock vector does 120 mph...cause I'll have to break out the radar gun, and race ya with my old rev...you will get beat by a 105 MPH sled...lol

Totally agree with you Heritage, including the reasons why to switch to the ol' 4 stroker. If speed was all that I was after, I'd gone with something bigger. As it stands, the MPG was the big selling point for me. I like being able to ride with some of my buds and raz them when they have to stop for fuel. :4STroke:
I agree on the speedo thing. My Rage shows me doing 116 at top end, and then I look at my GPS when I stop and I see 103 mph. I don't really care bout it though, cause I ride the Rage for all the other reasons you stated in your post. 103 is fast enough. :)

Great sleds IMO.
The funny thing is....from the other side of view...the doo and polaris guys I ride with kept telling me how slow, and heavy vectors are...yet at the end of the lake...I turn and look and the vectors are right there....they are so quick out of the hole...I'm sure with a little clutching, and gearing...they can be made to go alot faster...The thing that convinced me...was a 120 mile ride...I stopped for gas twice (warm day)..I sucked alot of fuel with my rev (again it's carbed)..as did a 600 Ho polaris...the vectors NEVER refueled the whole trip....I was on fumes when we got back to the hotel..another 2003 rev like mine ran out of gas 3 miles from the hotel, and the 600 HO poalris ran out of gas in the parking lot..the vectors still showed a quarter of a tank whne they got back...I figured out what i spent the last two seasons, just on gas, and oil...and how much of my free time I spent cleaning power valves, and cleaning the belly pan and hood (I'd love to know what genius decided yellow was a good color for a belly pan on a two stroke)...and it's no contest..a yamaha four stroke is my next sled...the money and time savings alone is worth lossing a little top end...who cares..how fast your sled tops out at??...I mean if you want fast ..turbo an apex...don't buy a 120 Hp class sled and brag how fast it is...lol
Its a well known fact that the most all Yamaha speedos are off....that's nothing new. Most guys here already realize that. I'm sure they were simply stating what was on the speedos, not the belief that their sleds were actually traveling that fast.

As far as topend goes, its a crap shoot. I've seen stock Vectors take REV 600's on topend and vice versa. They're both in the same ballpark in that regard.

Where the 120 hp class Yamahas truely acell over the REVs are all the items you pointed, which are due to their 4stroke motors.

I'm sure you won't be disappointed, I know I haven't been with mine.
Heritage - I saw (and replied) to the other post you made asking about the Nytro.

All your comments so far are correct - good mileage, bad speedo accuracy, no oil usage, etc. etc. etc. Everything you've said is correct, and just about everyone here will agree with you. It kinda sounds like your still trying to convice yourself to jump ship from your Doo and go with the Yammi .....?

Just doo it man! You're gonna wonder how you ever got around with out it! ;)!

Regarding top speed .... I think that anyone who really cares about top end shouldn't be getting a 120hp class sled. All of the sleds in this category are really so closely matched that it really doesn't make a difference on the top end. I'm not a lake racer by any means. But if I really did care about top end, I would be buying a higher hp sled. But that is just my opinion.
In all reality the vectors are almost dead on par with the performance of the vipers and I'll agree with the out of the hole speed, I have never got beat by anything out of the hole unless I blew the start and buried it to china. When riding with a stock 04 renegade and a stock 05 renegade x both 600's, of course the 05 is a sdi motor, neither of them are in front of me at the end of a lake. They are both 136" machines I have raced though. I have seen 112 on GPS with my vector in near perfect conditions. But I didn't buy it for top end and it sounds like you know why most people are buying these sleds. I have mine figured to every 1500 miles I put on I am only spending $250 in gas. No oil, no plugs, and no smell!!

hertiage it's no bs when my sled was bone stock I did see 119 and 116 consistantly.I ran it on radar in 1000ft @93 mph the speedo was reading 103. When i ran it on aphalt my speedo showed 124 and I ran through the traps @111.9mph and that was geared down on aspahlt.The bigeest problem with the 120 engines they overgearewd which reduces your top speed and ther stock primary coil binds.The clutching in the 3cylinders are terriable there is alot to be gained.The fi 4cylinders are a different story those are the fist sled yamaha has the clutching right on.I have spent numerous hrs teaking and trying stuff on the 3cylinders.So don't come on here saying people are bsing before you do your resarch or try them out.
Wait a sec here pro....I didn't name you are anybody else specificly....I even made it clear, that i was not here to pick on anybody....I like the new Yamis alot....but I call em like I see em...I have never been beatin across a lake (long run) by a stock vector, and I know for a fact my doo does 105...nothing more...Like I said my old viper (clutched, 1" lug track) did anywhere from 106-107 depending on conditions. I just Don't buy a stock vector running 116 mph, in snow, on radar....modded maybe.

Sure seems to me I hit a sore spot with you.
pro116 take it easy, you've put some time into your sled, so technically yours isn't stock (ie from the factory, tuned by the factory) no one here is saying you didn't see the speeds you got, I think heritage's point is that all of the vectors he's seen top end speeds on are showroom, gas and go, no tweaking.
Mine still is, unfortunately and probably will be for a while longer. The little woman has a tight hold on the purse strings.

If you guys reread my post when my sled was bone stock all I did was put gas in it.The sled seen 119mph and was 116 consistantl this was just at 100 miles on it.If you go back and do a search there was lot's of them that did that.There was a poll on here about two years ago.
