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Yamaha apex 144 project

Well this is going to be the last post for this. I have recently bought a leftover viper ltx. I love this sled and I have made it into everything I wanted but I want somthing new. I can say if you are on the border of extending the track just do it I did not see any Chang in the suspension or anymore stress to the arms. The mega float is a nice shock but would be 100 times better if it was re valved. The exhaust sounds awsome and is not too loud for trail use and has a awesome sound when playing around(I will have the programmers and the exhaust for sale soon if anyone wants it) if anyone else is about to do something like I did I would go for it it made the machine way better than I ever thought it could be. But I have road my dads viper and I like it even better and have decided to go for it.

Let me know when exhaust and programmer are available.
this is an awesome thread! Thanks!

I have to question how well the mono skid works when converted from 121 to 144.

Stress points? Geometry? etc.

I suspect/know the 136 mono has different rear arm parts, mounted in different spots on the rails...

Please report back this winter!!

That is what I am trying to figure out now...lol
I am now trying to figure out how to go from xtx144 to 136!!!
