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Yamaha Viper or Artic cat ZR 7000

Windsor Sledder

Nov 6, 2015
Reaction score
2013 Yamaha vector ltx
Im a looking at a 2016 ZR 7000 or a 2016 Yamaha ltx le. Both 137 in tracks and similar mileage. Wondering who has the better clutches and anything else that is different. Thanks.
Yamaha belts and clutches are bulletproof imo compared to Cat. Good luck.
I have the Cat and love it. Everyone on this site is always asking about soft start springs, and the Cat doesn't need it. Belt life has been great and I've found the clutches to be low maintenance. They both are great machines, with very different looks, considering they're essentially the same animal. I had a Nytro before this, and the 7000 is leap years ahead in handling and driveability. Get the new flash!
Im a looking at a 2016 ZR 7000 or a 2016 Yamaha ltx le. Both 137 in tracks and similar mileage. Wondering who has the better clutches and anything else that is different. Thanks.
Although you are about to decide between two chassis/bodies that are about as cheaply made as Kimpex brand.
In my neck of the woods wether it’s to do with fuel mapping, electrical etc. I’m not sure, but it seems the Arctic Cats have more starting problems and electrical issues than the Yamaha’s.
For some reason Arctic Cat couldn’t leave well-enough-alone when it came to using Yamaha engines and put their own crappy engineering all over it.
I own a Yamaha with the same engine as a family members Pantera and he has constant issues as mine has only been to the dealer once since purchase and that was for the break-in period oil and filter change.
I have a LTX owner literally sitting right next to me as I type this and he’s says go with the Yamaha hands down.
I have a 2015 XF7000 and I went with the Cat simply because I got a rediculous deal on it and I have a great cat dealer 30 minutes away (closest yam I dealer is 1 hour away and they suck). If you have the choice between an LTX and 7000 I would personally go with the Yamaha, they need a little more tweaking from the start (replace the stock skis, add a clutch kit, etc.) but once you get them dialed in the Yamaha clutches are better as far as longevity is concerned. You also have much more selection with the Viper, not many aftermarket shops offer 7000 clutch kits; viper clutch kits are everywhere. And again, I mentioned the dealer earlier, I do almost all the work myself, but it’s a huge plus to have a good dealer close, if I need them.
Just rolled over 4k miles on my 2015 XF7000 last night. Completely trouble free. Still on the original belt. I picked the Cat because I got a crazy good deal on it new ($2k cheaper than any Viper at the time). I'd say chose which ever one you like better, they will both be fine sleds.
Thanks for all the replies. The arctic cat is about 2000 cheaper and has qs3 shocks on it. I might go that route.
2K less and better shocks...... you may have answered your own question! The cat will also come with better skis stock. Also agree with going with what brand you have better dealer access with locally.
Yes going to check out the artic cat this weekend. I owned a 2006 Vector and sold it with 17000 miles on it. And now my 2013 Vector has 15000 on it. Time to update.
Better shocks, price and dealer support. Any one of these would have put me over the top.
I have the Cat and love it. Everyone on this site is always asking about soft start springs, and the Cat doesn't need it. Belt life has been great and I've found the clutches to be low maintenance. They both are great machines, with very different looks, considering they're essentially the same animal. I had a Nytro before this, and the 7000 is leap years ahead in handling and driveability. Get the new flash!

I just bought a 2015 ZR 7000 el tigre and put 400 miles on last weekend. Love the handling, looks and the engine. The only bad thing I have heard about this sled is the fuel pump relays freeze under extreme cold temps, living where you do have you had any starting issues in the cold, I got the new flash before I picked it up
I have the new flash and so far, my starting has been good. Way better than last flash. As far as the relays, they are the same, between Viper and 7000. They're the same sled.
Thanks. I know about the relay . Same on my vector . So will replace it. If it hasn't been done.
