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Zbros Front End Advice


Jan 28, 2011
MN Flatland
This has been beaten to death but I need some real world advice. Looking to put the forward style A arms on for this upcoming season. I am leaning towards the Zbros. I would like to hear from some of you that actually have the Zbros on your sled. Maybve if you have the Zbros and have ridden a buddies with the Concept front end. I have heard alot about the Skinz Concept so more looking for info about the Zbros.
Thanks In Advance :4STroke:

Super Sled said:
Maybe bc zbroz has had no warranty issues like Skinz' front ends have had?

You should bring your negative, lopsided comments over to Snowest. This sight is better than it. :rocks:

Hope you can get the first hand actual information you were looking for Clatla.
the +3 zbros front end from what ive read has had its own issues to deal with also... and I think the skinz front end issues have been delt with long ago. from what I gather about both mfg. a-arms that they both work very well, but the 1% of people that have had problems with both front ends have blew the issues they had with them way way out of proportion.

anyways clatla, they are both going to be a way better front suspension than stock, and give you similar results in the end...
the zbros guys will theres the best because they only know zbroz, and the guys riding spg a-arms are going to tell you that they flat out work.
it will just come down to aesthetics... do you want the oversized, cartooney, look at me zbros front end, or the spg front end that looks really good on the nytro. (could you tell which one im buying this year ;)! )
I know guys that have the Skinz front ends (OFT boys). I have not had a chnce to ride one myself with the pathetic winter we had. I really like the idea of getting spindles also with the Zbros. I also like the fact that there is additional clearance with the Zbros. I have nothing against the Skinz. You just get more bang for your buck with the Zbros. When I spend 1k I want to know I got the best there is available.

I agree the few issues that there have been with both have been blow out of proportion.
After talking to Rick and seeing his scrapped Z-broz front end, I'd run the Skinz hands down. Maybe PM him and he can give you details.
i have been running the zbroz for 2 seasons now, strong well build, improves handeling on the trail. strongly considering going with the Skinz this year because of the reputation of a GREAT improvement in the steep and deep.
Albertanytrofan said:
i have been running the zbroz for 2 seasons now, strong well build, improves handeling on the trail. strongly considering going with the Skinz this year because of the reputation of a GREAT improvement in the steep and deep.
I thought the 3" forward Zbros became available just last year. How have you been running it for 2 years? Do you have the forward set-up or just the older stock geometry?
