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ZX2 spring adjustment


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
One of the adjusters on my shock is not adjusting. When I turn it the spring is also turning so it doesn't allow it to move up another adjustment. I'll pull it apart this week, but did anyone look at the top of their springs to see what is supposed to be stopping that spring from turning?
There are no threads to the adjusters, are you adjusting clockwise on both sides?
This was my mistake. I went backwards and I needed to go the right way long enough for the spring to stop turning again. Once I did all is fine!!
I was reading the manual and it seems to say that you can only increase the preload to decrease it. As in you have to go from 1-7 and then go from 7 directly to 1 and cycle through the whole thing again to get a lesser preload, is the true? I briefly tried over the weekend to decrease the preload and it did not turn at all, I did only try once though, so it may very well turn backwards as well.
You have to go from 4 past 7 to get back down to 1 before going up to 3, if you want to back off from 4 to 3 that is.
I was successful reducing preload by going the other way. I didn't find I had to cycle upwards through all the steps to set it at a lower preload.

It's odd that they mention this in the manual, yet on the suspension itself, there are arrows labelling which way to lower or increase preload with a + and a -. :dunno:
Well that's for reading the user manual before wrenching, I'll give it a try rotating it in the reverse direction next time, thanks Grimm
