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Search results

  1. J

    Jackman Maine Warrior Trade in

    Rx1/ thanks for the call/ is this a great site or what/ think of how much info we share and the help we get/ later
  2. J

    Jackman Maine Warrior Trade in

    Please call me 663.2281/ thanks/ jim-bob
  3. J

    Jackman Maine Warrior Trade in

    Jackman has two used Warriors with Simmons skis/ did they belong to anyone on this site/ if so I'd like a little info on them/ thanks/ jim-bob/ West Forks. Maine
  4. J

    Whats your Favorite sled of all time

    this is an easy one/ '76 Rupp Nitro 340 liquid with the Xeonah engine/ first sled that really took my breath away/ needed a bag of tools to keep it going/ but man would it go!!!/ later
  5. J


    First I mounted a set of wind/brush guards on the handlebars/ then I mounted one of those bike type mirrors/ the kind that would normally go directly on the handlebar with a velcro strap/ I removed the strap and opened up the flange end of the mirror / drilled a couple holes in the flange then...
  6. J

    What is the average age of an RX1 rider

    58/ wanna know why the average age is older than you thought/ It's cause we've got tired of breaking down, fooling with plugs, belts and oil, not to mention frozen fingers while trying to keep a sled running/ and most important of all-We're ahead of the learning curve- we see what's coming- it's...
  7. J

    Rear heat exchanger-Final verdict?? (shorty??)) Help!!!!!

    you say that you've had the sled for five DAYS and it's overheating in a foot of snow??? You've got a problem some where other than adding an exchanger/ is this a new leftover? If so take it back/ It probably wasn't burped properly/ if it's used from a third party try to find out where they got...
  8. J

    whos keeping there 04

    Keeping mine/ would have traded up if it had the new suspension/4500 miles/ NO problems/later
  9. J

    What are your opinions on Yamaha's Extended Service Plan?

    Your using the numbers quoted by Yamaha/ the dealers have about a fifty percent mark up on this item/ from the dealers point of view this is handled like the sale of any other extra-- like clothing etc/ My dealer sold me the EXTRA four years for 550/ I've seen on this site where some have got it...
  10. J

    What are your opinions on Yamaha's Extended Service Plan?

    We visited this issue last year and opinions haven't changed much/ if your going to modify the sled or trade every year then DONT buy it/Now lets look at it from the other end/ lets say you paid 500-600 for the extension and didn't use it/If you only put 1500-2000 miles a year then in three...
  11. J

    Advice from a Veteran

    Actually I think the guys got a lot of guts admitting to his mistake and then putting it on the web/We all need a reminder now and then that we're not ten feet tall and bullet (groomer) proof when we get on these sleds/ I've been riding since '69 and I still have to remind myself now and then...
  12. J

    Ladies Leather suit

    My wife would like to have a leather suit that is cut and designed for women/ do any of you out there have a lady in the family that has such an outfit or know of any one that does/ any suggestions or help would be appreciated/ I would need a brand name/ thanks/later
  13. J

    Trailering the RX1...do I need to valve the fuel lines?

    I rarely trailer mine but for the cost of a couple shutoffs and a half hour of time I put them on/ cheap insurance/ and even if you got Yamaha to cover it do you want to ruin that weekend or vacation and have the sled tied up for a couple of weeks while the dealer waits for parts etc./ also...
  14. J

    Vector or RS Rage

    Take Suisse Sledders advise/ he's on the money/Get her the ride and a matching outfit/ as far as which motor only you folks can determine if the 4 banger is too much power for her/ as a backup the 3 banger should do to trick/ We went to the show and my wife wants the RS Venture/ guess what she's...
  15. J

    Does anyone make a aftermarket seat or FOAM for rx-1??

    I met a guy at the show in Syracuse that makes a spring loaded seat/ at the time he had not started with Yamaha seats however indicated that with enough interest he might make them/ he was doing the seats for Cats/ I told him I thought he'd do well with the Yammies as they had ( at that time)...
  16. J

    Gerbing heated clothing/3000 mile report

    We got 6"/ just back from Monson/ they got about 8"/ Thanks for the heads up on the electrial/ I'm sticking with what's go me to this point/ having only one headlite doesn't mean diddly-squat during the day/ and believe it or not there's not a tremendous difference at nite- on top of that I do...
  17. J

    Gerbing heated clothing/3000 mile report

    Okay/ Okay/ I got it/ Also when I was at the Yamaha show (in Bangor, Maine) I talked to a rep/ he said that if I had hooked it to the charging system it wouldn't work/ however since I hooked to the battery I was okay/ keeping in mind that the suit does draw more than the charging system...
  18. J

    Gerbing heated clothing/3000 mile report

    The "thermostate" that I got from Gerbing works as you stated/ cycling on and off at a rate determined by where the dial is set/ however when the thermo is demanding power, even though it is intermintant, it is still calling for 77watts while cycled on/the thing is I honestly don't understand...
  19. J

    Rangeley, Maine

    Sorry guys/ that was last weekend only/ you must register to ride
