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Search results

  1. tsiceman

    Center Shock Spring on LE/RR Shock

    Many of us have switched to straight 160lb spring, available from cannondale on ty.
  2. tsiceman

    Footwell spacers

    I also don't like the loose footwell either. I am thinking of cutting a piece from a interlocking hard foam floor and fasten it to the top of footwell.
  3. tsiceman

    First ride?

    This is what I am running, but have not tried it out!
  4. tsiceman

    is my reverse actuator broken?

    Wow, that is very nice. Thanks for the excellent write up!
  5. tsiceman

    Plug by chaincase question

    It is right there by reverse actuator.
  6. tsiceman

    No Start

    You could pull the fuel return line out of tank to confirm you are getting fuel. I had a fuel pump that would lose prime or not move fuel, ended up putting a walbro in
  7. tsiceman

    SD 08 code - replacement 18$ saturn actuator??

    I just took my actuator all apart. My brush springs were stuck, I had to cycle the springs some to get them working again. Seemed like the springs were corroded/ rusty. Also had to sand/ polish the commutators, they were black. I pulled the big brass gear, relubed with grease and some motor oil...
  8. tsiceman

    SD 08 code - replacement 18$ saturn actuator??

    Did you change drive belt? Too tight on belt deflection will cause sd 08
  9. tsiceman

    anyone have pics of the new heated rollover valve?

    Here is a pic of one on ebay https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F153719832425
  10. tsiceman

    Viper won’t start after ecm update

    Can you hear the fuel pump run when you turn on ignition?
  11. tsiceman

    HELP! 2020 SRX Coolant leak leads to electrical Gremlin

    Gas tank venting! Try loosening cap next time.
  12. tsiceman

    Novi Snow Show this weekend

    It was great to see you and meet the wifey!
  13. tsiceman

    finally bought a sidewinder!!!

    24hrs, bet you cant wait! Congrats, nice ride!
  14. tsiceman

    Can torsion springs be re sprung ?

    I see your point but I am thinking too much weight on rear and front skis, due to weak center spring. I am just guessing though! I put a new 160lb center spring (from cannondale) on this summer and had to relocate rear springs softer to get some sag. Also center spring made my front end much lighter
  15. tsiceman

    Can torsion springs be re sprung ?

    Center spring wore out, maybe. Do you have heavy steering?
  16. tsiceman

    Real World 1500 Mile Low Down of new Ski Doo XR-S 900 Turbo vs. SideWinder

    With a lot of round abouts! Going in circles!
  17. tsiceman

    Power steering

    I just got a 160 spring from cannondale, it should work very good. The cat spring will rub qs3 reservoir, unless you put it on upside down.
  18. tsiceman

    Center shock wear, ltx le

    Sweet, I like it. If you trust the new caps, then put them on. Thank you Tom
  19. tsiceman

    Center shock wear, ltx le

    Just an update, dealer lost their snowmobile dealership. So I did not pursue warranty any farther. Cannondale will getting shocks soon!
