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  1. B

    primary clutch binding

    Mine had the same problem, extremely tight, wouldn't drop own it's own and couldn't even get them cleaned up with sandpaper/steelwoold. It's at a shop now being machined, and they expect this is from the clutch being too hot. The bushing in the cover was also frayed,and may be related to the...
  2. B

    Clutch math w/multiple changes

    I think you guys might be right,I might buy the 2 gram rivets I could put in the heel if I need it but may just wait and run it, that's an easy change.I haven't actually sent out he primary for the overdrive yet, do either of you have experience with that?
  3. B

    Clutch math w/multiple changes

    The weights in it now were before can and airbox. 7 gram was from mpi, but there are others cheaper I believe schmidt has them. Might even be able to use bolts, but I never played around with that. I loaded the tip so heavy because I was only overreving on top end runs. With the current set up I...
  4. B

    Clutch math w/multiple changes

    14 rtx Last winter: COTC,8DN, Soft start primary,9-1 wrap ( this was an accident I didn't realize until year end clutch disassemble) 8800+rpm, 101mph top speed achieved only once. Blew out tribhub last ride of year, not sure how long it took but that might have affected top speed at least...
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    Spring buy warranty

    This is the first year I've noticed Cat, Doo and Yamaha all offering 4 years of "coverage" during spring buys. One of the reasons I didn't end up on a leftover Cat 7000 was due to warranty for 5 years being about $1200 (I think I have that right, for sure it was more than a grand) vs. the...
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    Found a new snowmobile patent from yamaha?

    If that link works, it looks to me a lot like a Cat chassis, but it talks a lot about carbon fiber. Also, I noticed some of the pictures looks like 4 hols for exhaust or intake, but some show 3. I haven't had much time to read, but looks like i have something to do this evening! Also, I believe...
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    Found a new snowmobile patent from yamaha?
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    Sidewinder rtx le over 16k

    I actually think the prices aren't bad. Viper RTX se to Sidewinder RTX se is only 1700 more. Considering what same guys paid for their 14 vipers, I think you'll see some aggressive pricing on the sidewinders right out of the gate, plus all the 14,15, and 16 turbos out there aren't going to hold...
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    Isn't 2017 sled release date today?

    Looking forward to rest of lineup and HP numbers. Thinking 190?? Video makes a point to say it is from Yamaha Japan, but also is clear that it is the SRV chassis - ie - Cat chassis. I bet the Cat guys get this sled too and no more zuki turbo.
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    2017 review

    I figured this is the right forum to discuss all things 2017 for all brands. Doo: Hits - Upgraded Chassis - Gen4 and 850 etec Misses - Nothing new for us 4 stroke guys Polaris: Nothing for us 4stroke guys. Yamaha/Cat tbd
  11. B

    Thinking of trying a viper.

    Yes, you should buy one! Mine is a short track, with just clutching mods I'm now at 101mph top speed. Do you run a gps? I think the doo gauges are off. Mine is spot on gauge to gps. I would not buy a 16 though. Tons of 15s being advertised stateside here for less than $9K, and even some of the...
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    Pricing- why so low?

    Hope you are right about the new sled coming, although I'd rather not realize my viper will be worth so little in a year or 2!
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    Pricing- why so low?

    I'm seeing some killer deals this year on 15s and 16s. Would dealers be aware of a new sled coming? Or did they miss out on December sales due to low snow?
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    Handlebar "sweep"

    With new carbides I feel like I'm running corners at higher speed, even very tight corners. This has caused me to notice that the handlebars seem to sweep down towards my hips instead of pulling strait towards my shoulders. The geometry just feels different than it did on my Phazer. I'm about...
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    Uneven Carbide wear

    went ahead and installed the triple points with the shims per the instructions. Very pleased. From the cockpit the ski's look like the front tips up, but upon inspection on a flat surface the cutting surface of the carbide is entirely flat on the ground. Like the triple points so far and hope I...
  16. B

    hours vs. miles

    I thought it'd be interesting to see everyone's hours vs. miles. This is NOT a who is fastest thread, I'd rather just see the breadth of how different Viper riders use there sleds. Miles: 1696 Hours:53.1 MPH avg: 31.9 Turbo: No Location: MI I'm a trail rider with 90% of my miles so far being...
  17. B

    Post Your Clutch Setup

    14 RTX, unstudded Power Mods=None Clutch Kit= Clutching on the cheap Belt=8DN Belt width and length= not measured Weights=8FP with MPI 7 gram rivets in tip and 2.44 in center Helix=46/40 Primary Spring=Barn of Parts soft start with 4 shims Secondary Spring=Stock Wrap=6-1 Machined for...
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    Annual service tasks and dealer cost

    Yup, my dealer is great and I trust them, they got a kick out of my suggestions when I dropped it off since I didn't have anything on my list that they didn't standardly do. They got it done, now we just need snow!
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    Annual service tasks and dealer cost

    This is my first annual service, do dealers follow a set list? What kind of cost should I expect?
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    Upgrade your rear suspension to 2016 specs

    Can that shock spring be replaced without pulling the whole skid?
