Isn't 2017 sled release date today?

Looking forward to rest of lineup and HP numbers. Thinking 190?? Video makes a point to say it is from Yamaha Japan, but also is clear that it is the SRV chassis - ie - Cat chassis. I bet the Cat guys get this sled too and no more zuki turbo.
Not necessarily the new turbo motor just that they didn't do anything else.
turbo motor, new seat ergo, upgraded rear suspension and a wide variety of suspension set ups and you are still disappointed? Think of it this way, other than the turbo there isn't anything earth shattering this year but there are some other nice upgrades. All that time spent in R&D not making anything earth shattering for this year may have freed up time for the R&D department to offer something earth shattering for the 50th Anniversary line up!!!
Are you frikken kidding me ? What's to be disappointed about ? The few reviews on it are outstanding "intokicating" . The viper chassis out handles any other chassis (from my experience ) and supposedly ther are some improvements. Yamaha knocked it out of the park !!!!!!!
I don't dislike what they did I was just kind of expecting a totally new sled from ground up....chassis and all. I'm not saying I don't like the new sleds. Was just kind of surprised. I'll be interested to check this turbo out.
I really wish they would release a 137" with 1.75" lugs, that would be the perfect sled for us Minnesotans!

It's called the X-TX 137 le in case you missed it. In the crossover section on yamaha usa.:sled1:
