Found a new snowmobile patent from yamaha?

rtx moose

VIP Member
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction score
2017 sidewinder LTX LE,2007 RTX,2000 SRX700
came across a new patent placed a month ago..Looks like alot af carbon fiber and a factory turbo again
If that link works, it looks to me a lot like a Cat chassis, but it talks a lot about carbon fiber. Also, I noticed some of the pictures looks like 4 hols for exhaust or intake, but some show 3. I haven't had much time to read, but looks like i have something to do this evening! Also, I believe the skis on it are tuners, but the rear suspension looks like singleshot to me. Maybe this is showing more of a collaboration - as I would have expected anything chassis oriented to be on the cat sid of development, but maybe the next iteration is carbon fiber tech from Yamaha, and their rear suspension with room for a 4cyl motor. Maybe the Apex still lives in a a new upright, lighterweight chassis, with singleshot suspension?
interesting. i always thought since yamaha is partnered with Cat that they could trade or pay to use there design and build in Japan. they could then tweak it and do what they want with it without any trademark infridgements. maybe this is the new Apex? never know

Maybe the 3 exhaust is for the vector replacement or new patents for the sidewinder
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it does look like a four hole exhuast
it also talks about the engine being supercharged and the cooling running through the frame, and the entire tunnel being made of a new carbon fiber reinforced plastic material.
I cant get it to go any further then the first page now. Maybe big brother got wind if it?

Got it to work
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Sometimes "new" is just a better way to make something so it's not so expensive. Maybe Yamaha found a way to put carbon fiber on sled that is lighter, stronger & costs no more or even LESS! We can get 200 pages out of this easily boys...
The way it reads is the whole sled is carbon composite. Not carbon fiber. Basically carbon reinforced plastic. Tunnel and all. Interesting.... My guess is if they are just now filing for the patent that we are a LONG way away from seeing this thing. Probably 3 or 4 years.
The way it reads is the whole sled is carbon composite. Not carbon fiber. Basically carbon reinforced plastic. Tunnel and all. Interesting.... My guess is if they are just now filing for the patent that we are a LONG way away from seeing this thing. Probably 3 or 4 years.
Wasn't the Sidewinder name trade marked two years ago?
Wasn't the Sidewinder name trade marked two years ago?
The name was but the engine has been in development for over 5 years. Companies that engineer products typically patent their ideas right away so no one else can use them. This happens long before the product goes into any serious design phase. Right now it's an idea with some crude drawings. It's a hell of an idea but I'm betting it is a long way off at this point.
crankshaft is a 3 cylinder but in some pics they show 4 holes for possibly a rear exiting exhuast. Pretty sure the sidewinder name came about last year. My prediction is a new nytro. Not necessarily called a nytro but the same principals as the nytro was. I see a few similarities in the drawings but who knows. A couple of years from now I'd suspect we'll know the answer.
