Search results

  1. Turboflash

    3" 998 performance muffler?

    Looking for 3" Viney Fab or 3" Sandale Hyperflow muffler for 998. Prefer gently used but will consider new.
  2. Turboflash

    Haydays 2024 - Outlaw record

    New world record at Haydays today. Dominic Earnst on the Hypersports Eagle-1 164.95 MPH - 500 ft. ET: 3.408. 60' time: .969. See time slip in pic. Haydays this year about same as many. Heavier traffic yesterday than today. Lots of swappers. Racing very good due to cooler temps...
  3. Turboflash

    TD adjustable FPR issue

    I use a TD adjustable FPR on my Stage 4 998 Cat. During off season, I run my sled once a month up to "re-lube" engine, circulate oil in chain case, etc. Been doing this for years. Today was the day and sled fired right up as usual. However, after about 3-4 minutes at idle, it started to...
  4. Turboflash

    Location of bearing on jackshaft?

    Curious to hear from others as to exact location of ball bearing that is pressed on jackshaft. I have serviced a number of local TCats and replaced that bearing. In some, that bearing is against the shoulder, in others it is about .020-.030" away from shoulder. It's like it was pressed on to...
  5. Turboflash


    I'm looking for experiences/comments/knowledge about occasionally using C16 to speed run/drag race 998s. I've searched TY and found some info but looking for more. I occasionally like to speed run/drag race (run-what-you-brung, LOL). I currently have PEFI Stage 4 (4-bar 330HP pump gas tune)...
  6. Turboflash

    Brake caliper housing cracked

    Just FYI - While doing pre-season maintenance, I noticed a few drops of what turned out to be brake fluid right below the caliper housing/brake pad area. Thought it would most likely be just a seal ring (square o-ring) problem. Pulled the outer side of the housing off, removed piston, and...
  7. Turboflash

    Cat announces new 858 cc for Catalyst at Haydays

    Arctic Cat just announced new 858 CC twin for Catalyst chassis. 11% more power than previous Cat 800s and 4% lighter than 600. Based on 2023 800 being advertised at 166 HP, this new engine should have about 183 HP in stock form. It is also mounted a tad lower in chassis than 600.
  8. Turboflash

    PEFI Summer sale

    FYI - June 15 through July 15 PEFI is offering 15% off all snowmobile parts and ECU flashes.
  9. Turboflash

    Studding weights

    I am building a new track (1.25" Rip2 137") so I wanted to explore studding weights between Woodys Megabite, Stud Boy Lake Racer, Woodys double alum plates, Stud Boy ProLite backers (both double and single). I was curious about difference between 1.575" Megabite compared to 1.625" Stud Boy...
  10. Turboflash

    3" TD Turboforce/Intimidator available?

    I know this isn't the classified section but does anyone have a 3" TD Turboforce muffler for sale?
  11. Turboflash

    Steering effort BOP MPS vs. GSE?

    Asking question/opinions: for those that have had both BOP MPS and GSE Power steering on same (or nearly identical) sled, how would you compare the steering effort for each? Nearly same? Or, which one was easier at average trail speed? Which one is easier on tight twisty trails?
  12. Turboflash

    Track shaft fail

    Here is one from this past weekend from a friend of mine. I'm glad this happened in parking lot. Minutes earlier he was out on the lake running over 100 MPH! Looks like it maybe it was cracked for a while before it broke. Took out the whole chain case (both sides). Ruined the caliper and...
  13. Turboflash

    Symptoms of bad 3 bar MAP sensor?

    I thought I'd ask all you expert tuners here what are classic symptoms of a MAP sensor not performing as designed? Erratic idle AFR? Erratic WOT AFR? Erratic idle RPM? Erratic AFR at part throttle cruise? I believe I've read some here on TY have had to get their MAP sensors replaced by both...
  14. Turboflash

    EPS Conversion?

    What would it take to retrofit a non-EPS sled (2017 ProCross chassis) to EPS?
  15. Turboflash

    Weight of EPS?

    What is the true additional weight attributable to EPS? For the same exact sled, with the same amount of gas, same track, same studs, all exact same, what is the difference in weight between one with EPS and one without?
  16. Turboflash

    Engine misses after sitting in storage all summer?

    Just wondering if anyone has experienced a situation where a 998 has been sitting in storage all summer (since April) and when you go to crank it now (Nov) there seems to be no compression, ie motor "skips" when cranked, like 1 or more cylinders has no compression? Once started, motor seems to...
  17. Turboflash

    Annual Weinie Roast at Lakewoods, Cable, WI

    Wondering if anyone else went this past weekend? I know Clutchmaster, Cannondale, Beerman were up in the area. Races had to get moved to Friday night due to prediction of rain/melt-down for Saturday which proved true. Saturday was mostly drizzle/light rain/sleet all day. Turned into major...
  18. Turboflash

    TD adjustable fuel pressure regulator kit install

    I have installed 3 of these kits in the past week. These are some comments/concerns from my experience. I did call TD and gave them this feedback. They seemed to take it seriously. The kit does serve it's purpose but there could be some improvements IMO. A. Regulator is Turbosmart and...
  19. Turboflash

    AFR too high; how much more fuel pressure is needed?

    Looking for input to correct high AFR on 18 TCat, PEFI Stage 3 280HP. Freshly rebuilt engine. Sled is 18 TCat PEFI Stage 3. PEFI fuel pump upgrade kit (returns to basket). Fuel pressure 43.5 psi key on engine not running. Turbosmart BOV. Stock air box. D&D Tech2 2.5" PM. 95-96 octane gas...
  20. Turboflash

    Tuned 998 idle AFR?

    I just installed an AEM AFR gage on a Stage 3 TCat. What should the hot idle AFR be? When first started, the gage comes on line at 13.7. As it continues to run the AFR goes up and up and up until it goes out of range high side. The sled runs perfect in the test field beside my shop. It...
