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  1. S

    Viper Clutching

    Ok, thanks, i try it.
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    Viper Clutching

    Is it any diffrence between spring possions in the secondary between the dalton red and stock secondary spring. I will try to wrap red spring 3-3 or even 3-2
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    Viper Clutching

    i did find some interesting at the secundary inner sleve, that one that have the glide buttons. I found a little casting edge on the bottom were the spring is compressed against. i grinded it away, but i havint testet it and if it did something. The pic is not from my snowmobile, i found it her...
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    Viper Clutching

    dont know exactly, but around 9000 and over.
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    Viper Clutching

  6. S

    Får du någon ordning på Vipern och kittet? Jag har hållit på lite och jag blir inte riktigt klok...

    Får du någon ordning på Vipern och kittet? Jag har hållit på lite och jag blir inte riktigt klok på varven och varvdipparna. Är sugen på att köpa Venom fjädern, men jag har filat lite i sekundären, såg ut som att fjädern klämdes längs in. Vart i landet bor du, jag bor i Lycksele
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    Rear skid mounting holes.

    I have heard better performance in powder, reduced skipressure and Lighter steering. Front shock working better. And i beleve them. Use antistab. All new sidewiners that i have look att have there boggie down/backwards in front, middle hole back. I have changed om my 15 xtx LE, antistab orginal.
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    Viper Clutching

    Whats the benefit to run a shorter spring in the primary
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    Viper Clutching

    I have a viper 2015 xtx 141 LE whit PC track. My current setup is: Super tip 50g Primary spring O-P-O 8dn Dalton 46/40 helix Stock spring and Dalton red spring. I have read, "Clutching to the cheap" I have some question about the secondary clutch. I have tested the Dalton red in 6-1...
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    Atleast one of those snowmobils have turbo. In sweden a new viper will be around 20 000 + mcx turbo, and if you buy the 190hp it will have allmost the same weight/hp as a AC M8, and fore those extra 4300 dollars the mcx cost, you get alot of pistongs and 2-stroke oil and belts. And you changing...
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    or a Nypex whit some extras :D
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    http://www.finn.no/finn/mc/snowmobile/o ... RONT_CLICK check this out
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    the right colors of a yammi
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    Lets talkTurbo Nytro 180-200 hp clutching

    Kolla med desssa SWEDEN Speed Technology (Sweden) Address: Stapelvägen 34D Zip code: 932 37 Location: Ursviken Country: SWEDEN Phone: +46 703810440
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    Release Dates and Predictions for 2014

    no yammi engins in AC http://www.arcticcat.com/our_company/#story5
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    When will they wake up? 2014 hopefully

    wankel engine, http://bargerltd.com/products.htm
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    Lets talkTurbo Nytro 180-200 hp clutching

    i running ulmer H helix, supertip 50 Y, O-P-O primary spring, white sek spring 70 degres, i would test 80 because the rpm drops in deep snow.
  18. S

    Clutch help please!

    Svante im on your side, because the oem spring and AC spring is diffrent. They have not the same spring insett points.
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    mcxpress 180 nytroxtx1.75 fuel milage.

    i runn my downgeered (19 topp spocket) xtx mcx 180 turbo whit 1,75 lugg whit a speed betveen 40-110km/h, tryed not to be so agressiv on the thumb out from cornering. On lake and good trail i run whit som 0-150km/h runns. 40km whit a average speed betveen 50km/h, and 55km whit a average speed...
  20. S

    Clutching MCX 180 Nytro XTX

    I have some problems to get the last tutch out from the clutces. The snowmobile is a Nytro XTX and i have 1,75 luggs and downgeered 2 teeth on the topp spocket. I have now 60Y weight whit 9gram in the heel, 6 gram in the middle and 3 gram on the tip. O-P-O primary spring and Ulmer H-helix...
