no start

  1. A

    Intermittent no start / idle shutoff / start but zero power

    Hi guys Brother in law bought a RS venture GT ´09 with 15500km. Ran great at first, took it out on the trail, 10km further we stop and it shut off at idle, start back fine but shut down if left idling. A km or two further, slowing down to do a u-turn and it will not move, engine seems to cut...
  2. K

    No start without throttle?!

    Hi all. Sorry if this has been asked before but I have been searching the forums for some time to find help with this issue and I cannot find any that help my situation. I recently picked up a 06 Apex GT for a good price, but I have an issue with starting. It will not start without at least ¼...
  3. F

    07 Phazer decompression froze? HELP

    Hi all, First time poster, long time observer lol. Has anyone ever had the decompression spring stick or freeze? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
  4. V

    Viper won’t start after ecm update

    New to the forum. I had my 2015 viper rtx serviced they did a ecm update on it when I went to pick it up it wouldn’t start they looked at it a bit more and told me the ics was not functioning properly they said you have to replace the whole throttle body assembly $1400 if they did it. I found a...
  5. S

    RX-1 Won't Start. HELP!

    So I went to start my RX-1 today and all I hear is a click. Upon further investigation when I jump the 2 relay terminals I get a big spark, and the starter makes this wierd groaning noise like its trying to crank the engine, but it doesn't crank. I can spin the engine over by hand Forward but...
  6. Ontario_Viper

    14 RTX blown reverse fuse causing a no start?

    I'm just curious if anyone has come across or heard of this scenario before? My reverse did not work for a few hundred miles at the end of last season. The sled had no issues starting whatsoever. The last ride of the season the sled overheated causing it to throw codes and shut down...
