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06 Apex or 06 Attak??? Help me decide!!!


Apr 13, 2008
Ok, so I'm stuck...I can't figure out what I want to purchase. I am caught between an 06 Apex RTX and an 06 Attak. Let me first describe the type of riding I will be doing...I am from New England and do about 75% trail riding w/ the occasional ditch bang. I don't ride extremely hard, but I do enjoy getting on it and riding fast. Being these sleds are quite heavy, I'm thinking for the off trail capabilities (for the sake of not getting stuck) that the Attak might be a better option because of the longer track, which will also help smooth out the ride over the bumps. How are the suspensions? I do believe they are quite similiar, if not the same, except the Apex has the Fox Floats up front? I am riding on an 05 RX-1 ER right now and I'm looking to make the step up to a newer sled, but I'm on somewhat of a budget. My concern with the Apex, is that similar to the RX-1, that it's not exactly the most friendly sled when cutting new tracks in fresh snow, especially when it's deep.

So, any ideas? All advice is welcome!

I have an 06 apex and it's the best trail sled made. but it needs a 136 to do any thing off trail. Buy the attak.
If I understand correctly, is the Attak the same thing as the Apex, just with the 136" track? I mean, "spec"ing them up side by side, they seem really the same except for the front suspension and the longer track, which also adds a little weight. But hell, these sleds are heavy as it is, so what's an extra 20 pounds? I'm figuring the longer track will compensate for that, especially when it gets off the trail.
I also have another question...Being that I have never rode either an Apex or Attak, just the RX-1, what big noticable differences will I experience?
Get the Attak. Better: Hookup, stability at speed, ride etc. You will feel more on top of the Apex/Attak compared to your RX-1 due to the rider forward and higher handlebars. I've owned em all as you can see and hands down prefer the longer skidded ones ;)!
Will the Attak be more prone to pushing in the corners w/ its longer track? I rode a Doo Renegade on the ZX chassis and noticed that the longer track did make it push a little more in the corners versus the shorter track ZX's. Just yet another variable I'm concerned about...LOL.

Will the Attak require a lot of time to get it "dialed in" to handle fast trail riding?
If you're use to your RX1 ride w/MONO rear suspension...stick to the ATTAK.

I was on the fence same as you last spring when I myself came off a RX1-ER 2005 candy red w/10.900kms, I was in the process of SNOW CHECKING a 2008 and debating on the longer track (136") for cornering and handling...after this season of 6300kms I don't think I'd go back to a 121" sled...you have so much more to gain with a longer track, ride in rough stuff, traction, flottation, a lot more stable at higher speeds, in corners you have to change your style but still very manuverable with the proper set-up...I'd vote for a 136"...

For set up I pulled up my limiter strap by 1 hole, shimed my skis and installed DEUCE BARS runners w/6" carbides with a 13mm sway bar and installed a 6.5 BIG BOY spring I'm 215lbs 6'2" and added a rear heat exchanger/rad and diluted my coolant 50/50 and ran without a problem, I DO NOT run STUDS I like to slide in the corners when riding aggressive.

Go for it... ;)!
I've got the MONO and like it. It's awesome to be able to adjust it on the fly. I like the manueverability of the sled, but I'm thinking the longer track will be nice. Plus, the fact that the skid has the grease points makes it even better. The 05 doesn't have it, and I feel that at some point it will start to show that. I'm definitely going to be keeping the RX-1 for my girlfriend though! At least I'll still be able to ride that when need be for something "different."

I have my track studded...APLTX08, I noticed you say you don't have studs in yours. Why if you don't mind me asking? Just the simple fact of you like to slide in the corners? Or do you not do it out of fear of having a stud fly out and slam into your rear cooler?
05_RX1 said:
I have my track studded...APLTX08, I noticed you say you don't have studs in yours. Why if you don't mind me asking? Just the simple fact of you like to slide in the corners? Or do you not do it out of fear of having a stud fly out and slam into your rear cooler?

EXACTLY!!! not just the rear your FRONT 1, I've seen to many running STUDS in their rads and ruinning a weekend of riding and other factors, I've been driving snowmoblies since the age of 12 and I'm now 44 and never had any serious handling issues...yes I admit that studs could of come in handy in CERTAIN situation, my theory is SNOWMOBILES are made to run on SNOW and STUDS are made to run on drag strips that are usually ICE and give that HOOK-UP, if the trails are to ICY I park my sled t'ill conditions get appropiate that way you don't have any issues w/slides melting and motors overheating...my .02
I don't disagree with you by any means...Problem we have riding here in New England though is that it's not always "perfect" packed powder groomed riding. With the typical New England weather we experience, the trails can go from good to awful in only a matter of minutes, especially in the spring when the snow melts during the day and freezes up at night. That in turns, results in icy trails. So, in that case it's nice to be running the studs. I see your point about running snowmobiles on SNOW and how it would suck to have the stud fly off and puncture the cooler(s). If only they made them with protectors so that a flying stud wouldn't harm anything...
I'm 45 and have never ran a sled without studs (for very long that is) in all the years of riding and have never pierced a heat exchanger ;)! I think the problems with throwing studs is not installing them correctly.
I've heard/read about the potential issues/problems (i.e. studs hitting tunnel) of installing studs on the Attak. Is that a result of installing studs of improper length? So, yet again, an option to weigh in my decision of the Apex or Attak. Any ideas on this stud problem w/ the Attak? Anyone else hear of this issue?
Go with the attak..... the camoplast ice ripper tracks are great for added braking and better grip, without the worries of throwing studs. not a lake racer track, but a good trail track, i have one on my attak and the wifes vector.

definately do the 136, i will never buy another short track again..... (maybe a phazer for the kids)
Now my next question (boy, I'm full of them today)...I was reading the posts about installing the rear cooler on the Attak...Seems like there are modifications that need to be done in order to get it right so studs wont whack into it. Anyone out there have an Attak w/ the rear cooler installed? Or, even better, anyone NOT have one installed? Curious to hear about overheating issues from those w/ no rear heat exchanger installed...
