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07 RTX Rear suspension durability problems


Dec 11, 2005
Loudon, NH
Just an update for you RTX owners, check your rear suspensions. As I've accumulated miles (close to 6000 now) I've had to repair the suspension twice. On the front torque arm at the bottom pivot point the metal has cracked on both sides where the front lower shock mounts. On the rear swing arm, at the top where the cross shaft bolts to the tunnel where the springs wrap around, both sides have fatigued and broke completely off. I don't jump the sled and most riding is on groomed trails. My brother's RTX has the had the exact same breakage. Aside from bushings and brakes I've had few problems. It just seems like the rear skid is too weak for this sled. Other guys in our group with GT's have had absolutley no breakage problems with similar mileage.

I have roughly 3600 miles on my RTX proactive skid....I have no complaints regarding durability on it. Im thinking of getting the shocks revalved for next season as their just not up to par as far as shock rebound, etc. Who should I go with? Ive heard Pioneer and Hygear. I ride really agressive and weigh around 200lbs. Thanks for any input..
I second the carver recomendation. Both rear on 07 rtx done by them. Anti-bottoming is much better. Low speed dampening is still a little stiff, so make sure if thats what you want to specifie about softening the low speed maybe more than they orignaly would.Overall great ride and great service.
Not real sure on top end loss.... I did one radar run and it was slower than previous. But was spinning bad. I have almost 3k on my studs, last radar run I had about 200 miles on them.

I wouldnt trade the ride for a little more top end. I go about 290 geared up.
Just went on anther 350 mile ride and the front swing arm lower cross shaft bolt broke and then cracked the arm again. This time we welded a strip of 1" steel across the shaft near the grease fitting. This ties all the welded parts together. You can see that the welded joints stress. Check your welds and you'll see if they're not cracked the paint has peeled off from flexing. There's now way it can break again.....hopefully. This is definitely where Yamaha lags behind the other guys. Still easier I guess than rebuilding a motor.
