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10,000 Mile 2006 Apex ER Review

Quad & Mr. Shide & other 2-strokers on the "4-Stroke Fence":

First of all I have only 4,200 miles on my 06 Attak (2.2 seasons) - trouble free with the exception of some wheels. IMHO these sleds (4-strokes) are better built, more comfortable to ride and have LESS issues than ANY two-smoke generally speaking. After riding 10,000+ miles on my 2002 Viper, now after owning the Attak, I could NEVER go back to it, I'd quit riding if I had to ride the Viper again.

You don't hear from most (majority) of the 4-stroke owners on sites like this. Like me, they are not going to post a report "Nothing Wrong With My sled again this month... ;)! " Most of the owners who post are only reporting problems, they are NOT the majority and some are self admittingly VERY hard on their sleds. Also, when you are reading some of the complaints read between the lines: did they bring some (not all) of the problems on themselves by making major mods to there sleds? At your next trail stop ask the 4-stroke riders if the issues or maintenance on there sled is better or worse then their prior 2-strokes.

If and when you buy, look for a used sled that still has a warranty, if you buy new, buy the extra 4 years. Well worth it IF you happen to get a sled that does have issues.

With the miles you guys are piling up (Quad now at 10,000) you're gonna have to be looking at shelling out some ca$h soon, at least new rings and probably pistons too; otherwise run the risk of a burn down. A 4 -stroke with the same miles is just getting broke in...LOL :4STroke:


Well its a year later, just sold my 02 viper with 8100 miles. biggest think i had to fix was the track. I agree, most of the problems people have are probably self inflicted. I usually am riding smooth to slightly rough trails. but I do ride hard and put on lots of miles. I am now in the hunt for a well maintained, relatively low mileage 06 or 07 apex gt!! probably be an 06 because I am on a budget. I dont think there were too many if any differences in the two model years except for maybe the handwarmer isuue! Looking forward to doing some shopping!!
redrx1rkt said:
My 6,500 mile report:

A lot of what I read sounds familiar. At 3,100 miles, I had blown all of the exhaust gaskets and cracked the Y-pipe. Yamaha graciously paid for the new Y-pipe, even though I didn't have YES. I also lost a couple of idler wheels at this point. The MonoShock remote adjust cable had broken also.

At 5,000 miles, all exhaust gaskets had blown out again, and had lost 4 of 6 idler wheels and a rear axle wheel. The remote adjust cable broke again.

At 5,800 miles, I lost 4 of 6 idler wheels again. I insisted on replacing all 6 with Kimpex idlers. At 6,500 miles, all six are still there. However, I think I am hearing the familiar ticking coming from under the tunnel - more blown exhaust gaskets. Third time. I blew a drive belt at 6430 miles.

How do I ride? Not that hard. Occasionally I will rip it up, like past weekend through twisty and moderately bumpy Old Forge trails (Trails 10, 38, 83 and the loops for those who know the area). However, most of the time, I ride on fairly smooth trails and don't tear it up with the throttle. I stay off Tug Hill when its beat up and when I do ride on beat up trails, I don't go flying through the bumps like others do. My MonoShock rarely gets bottomed out, even with it set halfway beaten MAX HARD and MAX SOFT.

I am not pleased with the amount of work this sled has needed. So far, $770 in parts/labor this year, well over $1000 since new. This is hard to swallow after spending literally $0 in 11,000 miles on my two previous Yamaha sleds.

If I didn't love the sled so much, with its magnificent ride and great handling (for me, not necessarily others) in stock form, it would be gone. I can ride 200 miles without being sore, or ride hard through twisties keeping with the lightweight sleds without much of a problem. The Mono is dialed in just perfect for my style of riding - plush on trails but firm enough to stand up to harder riding on moderately bumpy trails, which is all I ask it do.

RED, no offense man but how the hell do you go through so many wheels? ha! Ive never heard of such madness. I have had 7 different yamahas and probably have a total of 17,000 miles on and have never had a wheel fall off! just curious as to what the issue was there. and what causes the exhaust doughnuts to blow out so much?
I am on a trip from Michigan to Alaska on a 2006 Attak with over 22,000. Regular service on oil, bearings, and exhaust gaskets, and bushings. Check our progress at Michcanska.com. I am in group 3.
mr. shide said:
redrx1rkt said:
My 6,500 mile report:

A lot of what I read sounds familiar. At 3,100 miles, I had blown all of the exhaust gaskets and cracked the Y-pipe. Yamaha graciously paid for the new Y-pipe, even though I didn't have YES. I also lost a couple of idler wheels at this point. The MonoShock remote adjust cable had broken also.

At 5,000 miles, all exhaust gaskets had blown out again, and had lost 4 of 6 idler wheels and a rear axle wheel. The remote adjust cable broke again.

At 5,800 miles, I lost 4 of 6 idler wheels again. I insisted on replacing all 6 with Kimpex idlers. At 6,500 miles, all six are still there. However, I think I am hearing the familiar ticking coming from under the tunnel - more blown exhaust gaskets. Third time. I blew a drive belt at 6430 miles.

How do I ride? Not that hard. Occasionally I will rip it up, like past weekend through twisty and moderately bumpy Old Forge trails (Trails 10, 38, 83 and the loops for those who know the area). However, most of the time, I ride on fairly smooth trails and don't tear it up with the throttle. I stay off Tug Hill when its beat up and when I do ride on beat up trails, I don't go flying through the bumps like others do. My MonoShock rarely gets bottomed out, even with it set halfway beaten MAX HARD and MAX SOFT.

I am not pleased with the amount of work this sled has needed. So far, $770 in parts/labor this year, well over $1000 since new. This is hard to swallow after spending literally $0 in 11,000 miles on my two previous Yamaha sleds.

If I didn't love the sled so much, with its magnificent ride and great handling (for me, not necessarily others) in stock form, it would be gone. I can ride 200 miles without being sore, or ride hard through twisties keeping with the lightweight sleds without much of a problem. The Mono is dialed in just perfect for my style of riding - plush on trails but firm enough to stand up to harder riding on moderately bumpy trails, which is all I ask it do.

What? That's it? I purchased a 2006 Attank in November 05 and have spent $10 000 on parts alone the first four years I rode the fat submarine (thank God for this site which helped me perform all the repairs myself). It all began at the 60 mile mark, when I put the sled on the trailer and noticed the skis don't line up. Since then the list of replacement parts is far to long to mention. I have a 2" binder stuffed with invoices, mostly suspension. I have 8 bent a-arms on a pile in my shop, along with 2 front torque arms, y-pipe, chain case cover, a relatively new ripsaw that was torn in half the first time the front W arm collapsed. On top of the pile are three headlight pods that have each been repaired several times etc. etc. etc.
I too, love this motor, but have learned that riding a sled for it's motor is much like marrying a woman because she's a good lay...you need more than that. So I've given the submarine to the wife and purchased a new Polaris Assault. At nearly 200 pounds lighter than the Attank, I am already smiling ear to ear as I anticipate riding on top of the snow for a change and putting my money into hotels instead of replacement parts. I also doubt my wife will break the Attank (it will stay in the trailer most of the winter), so all I need to worry about is annual routine maintenance, slides, skags, wheels, headlight pod, exhaust doughnuts, y-pipe, rail tips, front end bushings, steering bushings, oil, filter...you know the drill. Good riddance Yamaha. Thank-you for making me an excellent sled mechanic! I'm sure I'll be back on this site for more repair advice if my wife decides to ride. HER Attank might make it to the 5000 mile mark.
Would I buy one again...you couldn't give me one, power steering or not.

I have the 06 RTX and have had pretty much the same common problems as most have had here. Mine now has 12000kms and the Ypipes are gone for the second time. My list goes like this, ALL the suspension wheels replaced with Kimpex so I can replace the bearings only, oil tank cracked so I had it welded and put on a rubber insulator on the lower bracket, remote cable also broken, all driveline bearings (50%shot 50% precautionary), new track but that would be normal for that milage, on my 3rd set of exhaust donuts which are gone right now as well as the Y pipes. The BIG BIG snag was the electrical grounding connectors in the wiring harness, 2 days to find the problem , 10 mins to fix it but it caused me to be towed home. Looking back I think I should have kept my SRX, it was no where close to needing as much regular maintainance and NEVER let me down with over 16000kms on the original motor. I look after my equipment better than most and never let anything go without repair , so while the powertrain is flawless in the APex and I've had no suspension issues, there's lots of room for improvement which they have been doing, I just can't afford another new sled.
Engine Breaking

I have an 06 Attak and I like the engine braking. I use it to set up a corner. You get sliding a little sideways to go around corners sideways. You have to father the throttle in the corner to go around quicker. I tend not to use my brakes a lot, that's just wasting gas. If you are racing some one else then of course you brake going into corners.


I have over 16,000 miles on an 06.

I haven't had most of the problems that are posted. A track, and idlers are about it.
I have my 06 replacing Ypipes to stainless and copper donuts should be good for another 10000 km's trouble free. Absolutely love it and would by a 11-13 and keep my 06 in a heartbeat if I had the cash.
I hit the 10k mark this month on my 07 Attak I bought brand new. I ride easy being 64 yrs old. Don't moto cross with it and have had only to change exhust y pipes and a couple of wheels..Bushings.
I two are a hard core rider in maine with 11,000 miles on a 06 attack . the best set up i found in the high speed corners is a set of snow trackers (extreame series )on my factory skis made all the world of difference . also i sent my shocks to hy gear and that was what the doctor ordered. bolted them on at 8,000 miles was like sex for the first time. at hy gear they realy have a set up for us hard core riders. great post and hope to see you at the next 10,000 :Rockon:
sickrick said:
I two are a hard core rider in maine with 11,000 miles on a 06 attack . the best set up i found in the high speed corners is a set of snow trackers (extreame series )on my factory skis made all the world of difference . also i sent my shocks to hy gear and that was what the doctor ordered. bolted them on at 8,000 miles was like sex for the first time. at hy gear they realy have a set up for us hard core riders. great post and hope to see you at the next 10,000 :Rockon:

I like that since I just ordered aggressive trackers and just got my shock back from Hygear :Rockon:
