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1000 Cat

never pick on a guy with a busted sled!!!

(wait untill after it is fixed. get more milage out of it that way)

My buddy always brags about how many miles he has on his TWO STROKE sleds.... but its funny how he never mentions that he rebuilds the engine, clutches, front and rear suspensions and replaces the track at the beginning of every year.. (even though he rides 4000 miles or less a year)

He even goes so far as to replace every bolt in the sled with grade eight bolts with loctight..

I tried arguing with people about my sleds weight and how fast it ISNT.. sevearl times..

I finally figured out that its just easier to agree with them and prove them wrong when on the trail.. you wouldnt believe just how many people think that 4 stroke sleds still shouldnt be on the trail, or they say they will never own one.. Even though they have never riden one..
