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the airport close to me said i need a tail#.how do you suggest i get one?take a close look at the next plane that takes off.just wondering how close they pay attention too these tail numbers

Like "Cavie" said some of the airports do require a "Tail Number" usually but not allways the one that do require a tail number are the full service places. Here's a good link for finding prices and various airports in you area. www.airnav.com/fuel/local.html

Why not just find someone who owns a plane and pay them to get you fuel. Its a hell of alot cheaper than buying race gas and packs the same punch if you are mixing race gas off with premium. just my 2 cents
wantboost said:
the airport close to me said i need a tail#.how do you suggest i get one?take a close look at the next plane that takes off.just wondering how close they pay attention too these tail numbers

Want boost, being a pilot they do not log the tail numbers or anything like this. Just tell them you have a home built helicopter or airplane and give them a tail number. Just drive by an airport and grab one you can use mine if you wish N2000C if you wish.
Our local airport will not sell it in cans, because of the lead content , and no road tax has been paid , Ontario law.
But I have a 500 gal tank full at home for my floatplane so no problem getting some !
I just picked up 65 liters in Brandon Mb. yesterday. Walked to the pumps & the guy filled my 3 plastic jerry cans. They just had a new shipment in & paid $1.15 per liter.
Re: AV Gas

cousin vinny said:
Hey Powder.. Why are you buying av gas??????!!!!!!!! LOL (ha ha ha ha)!!!

Must be for that T-Vec he'll be bringing out to Montana in two weeks. ;)!
Still going to try to get up there for at least an over nighter Rod.

TurboJamie said:
wantboost said:
the airport close to me said i need a tail#.how do you suggest i get one?take a close look at the next plane that takes off.just wondering how close they pay attention too these tail numbers

Want boost, being a pilot they do not log the tail numbers or anything like this. Just tell them you have a home built helicopter or airplane and give them a tail number. Just drive by an airport and grab one you can use mine if you wish N2000C if you wish.


what do you fly?
Why buy AV gas?!? :)

Haven't checked here in a while, missed Cousin Vinny's and Jim's posts! Man, can't wait to try out the mighty t-vec! Really I can't wait to mop up a few other Iowa boys on their little ol' 9 hundie Polaris'... ;)! Down to just a few days now before we head out.

Jim, when you and Tura thinking of being out there? We'll get in sometime Monday morning (22nd) and head back out Sat the 27th, staying at the Grizzly Pad.

Mildly humorous aside... shortly after I got CV's vector:
Biggdawg: hey, since you can turn down the boost and just run pump gas, guess you'll do that, huh? Easier to not pack the fuel...
Me: We both know there's no way I'm not gonna crank that thing up to 10-12 pounds and see what it does, so we be packin fuel. :jump:

