2-3 feet....this weekend (expected by Friday)


Forecast for where i live is that in the coming 10 days we can expect 4 inches of snow..

...On top of the ~15 inches we got already.

Starting to wonder why I spent almost half a years salary on a sled :p
Rain for us and mid to upper forties SUCKS
I live in Maine and we have a little bit of snow. Most of the snow is in Northern Maine. They have around 4 feet of powder!!!

09 nytro xtx
skinz ultra Q
ultra plate
ROX 2in riser
Yup same here. Snow is moving north. Used to be the snowbelt here in the turtle mountains but not so much any more. Seems to start 3 hours north of us.

Damn earthquakes throwing off the earths axis.
yamaha1973 said:
Super Sled said:
It doesn't snow anymore here in mn. We're the new Kansas.

Try living in southern MN! Might as well move to Mexico :o| :o| :o|


We still get snow ....Just Seems To Get Here Later Than Normal, we were lucky this year came early...but just not enough yet to get real excited about
maybe...not quite enough :)

If it warms up I will probably find a way to make it happen...is currently -11 F. @ Big Sky... little cold for me to sled...
