I am looking for some help on how to set up my 03 shorty. I have Ski Doo ski's. I had it set up with about 1/2 inch of thread showing on limiter strap. I now tightened the limiter with about 1 1/4 of threads showing and hate it. It felt like the sled gained 400 pounds. I know I can adjust it back to where I had it, but am looking for other adjustments as well.
zibby, you didnt mention your pic and carbide combo so i will tell you what i found works , the precision skis on the rx1 need a full 6 inches of 60 degree carbide in all 4 spots ,run 192 pics, full soft fra ,mid rate for rear spring ,one from the top centre shock, full transfer at the rods ,let the strap out to your original 1/2 inch, 1 and 1/4 inch preload on front springs ,set up for 180lbs rider and put some traction on your foot boards so you can move around a little.....this set up will allow you to dive hard into corners ,tap the brake to get the front end down to steer in and scrub the track and when you got it pointed in the right direction ,pull the trigger and rip then repeat.