2005 RX1 Down, oil light on


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Corunna, MI
2005 Yamaha RX1
Ted Jennety Clutching, jetting, air box mod.
Arctic Cat Z1 Turbo 128" Rear Suspension
128" Hacksaw 1" track.
Heated seat
We had a excellent ride in the U.P. this weekend. We had two 2005 RX1's and one 2011 and one 2012 Apex. My friends new to him 2005 RX1 with 2000 miles. I did preseason maintenance including changing the oil and filter. He is running Mobil One 0w30. We also did an air box mod, jetting, clutching. The sled was running awesome all weekend. Just shy of 300 miles he started it after a short break and the caution light come on. He had me come look at it. The ck engine icon was on and shortly after starting the oil can icon came on. The motor sounds find. We checked the oil (yes with the dip stick not screwed in) and the oil level was fine if not just a little over full. We looked at the wiring for the dip stick sensor and it looks fine. We took the dip stick out of my 05 RX1 and put it in his and the icons were still on. We decided to not continue with his sled and towed it to a local gas station. You don't see that every day.
The rest of the group finished the 65 miles back to the truck and I went up to pick him up. I put the belt back on the sled and fired it up. The light stayed off long enough for the warm up light to go off and load it on the trailer.
Hard to believe this happened to an RX1 engine with 2000 miles on it.

Wondering if any one has seen this before. Hoping it is a bad oil pressure sensor in the block. Any body know where the sensor is at? The thing that is bothering me is that the light stayed off with the cold oil run. That makes me think it has a oil pressure problem. Are they know for oil pump problems?

Any body have any suggestions?

Thanks Bruce
I think I would have let it run a little longer until it warms up to see if the light came on again.
I believe the oil presure sensor is just above the oil filter, thats where it is on my Apex. I would remove it and install a mechanical oil presure test gauge, run the engine and see if the oil presure is good. This will tell you if you should change the sending unit or if there are other problems.
Ok Thanks. I will get back after checking.
There is no oil pressure sensor on the RX-1 engines. That was a feature first installed on the Apex models.
Oil Pressure


So we have the caution caution light on steady, the check engine icon on in the instrument cluster and the oil can icon.

I was thinking if the oil was low in the reservoir, the caution light would flash, not on steady.

So if the oil light/icon is on, it has to be related to the low oil sensor?
Does the RX1 have a maintenance reminder? I see the Apex will shut down if there is no oil pressure, is there anything like that on the RX1. Any code for no oil pressure?
Oil light comes on when oil is low. Stead means dangerously low and might be causing bearing damage. My experience.

Oil level good, light on, sensor bad.
Oil light comes on when oil is low. Stead means dangerously low and might be causing bearing damage. My experience.

Oil level good, light on, I would assume a sensor is bad.
Ok, good to know. We know the oil is not low, full to the top of the full mark. I put my dip stick out of my sled and light was still on. Maybe a problem with the wire circuit.
Thanks for all the help.
With all the info you guys have helped me with. I think the problem has to be in the circuit or the computer. I hope to get some time to work on it this weekend and I will get back with what I found.
With all the info you guys have helped me with. I think the problem has to be in the circuit or the computer. I hope to get some time to work on it this weekend and I will get back with what I found.
