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2005 RX1 frost in gages?


Mar 20, 2004
Hi got a lot of frost in my gage cluster,any way to fix this or should it be cover under my warrenty.

My 02 viper had the same problem they fixed it under warr. but was no better.my o4 warrior had same problem so i lived with it till it started on fire and burn to the ground.
I had my cover replaced under warranty. But also be extra sure that the rubber boot on the wiring harness is snugged up properly, otherwise heat and moisture will ALWAYS make its way into the gauge.
That fix dont work, not for me anyway. I got alot of moisture in mine the first trip and fixed the rubber seal/gasket and that didnt fix it so i took the gauge completely apart, cleaned the lens and made sure everything was sealed tight and connected right. Fogged up again today. Oh well, its a long summer, I look into it more. ===SRXSRULE===
If try to clean the inside of the lens you will make it worse. There is a coating on the inside of lens, it has a rubbery feel to it. If you clean it you will remove the coating and it will fog even more.
Rules. I have tried everything and I still get fogging. Region rep said riding in powder is the main cause. Best fix for me so far is to get the 05 Viper dash boot, and use a zip tie, dielectric grease and put it on and try to force it thru the dash hole. BTW my dad's Rx has never fogged the dash...
NY_Warrior said:
If try to clean the inside of the lens you will make it worse. There is a coating on the inside of lens, it has a rubbery feel to it. If you clean it you will remove the coating and it will fog even more.

Have you had one apart, or is this what you were told? Also, is that for 03-05 or just 05? Mine is a 04 and its plain old plastic, no rubber feeling coating on it. I cleaned it with an anti fogging chemical.

Grape, I think your right. If you ride alot of powder your screwed, the gauge itself is not sealed very well, there is about 8 small screws in the back that allows the gauge to be taken apart....Not very water resistant at all. ===SRXSRULE===
NY_Warrior said:
If try to clean the inside of the lens you will make it worse. There is a coating on the inside of lens, it has a rubbery feel to it. If you clean it you will remove the coating and it will fog even more.

Have you had one apart, or is this what you were told? Also, is that for 03-05 or just 05? Mine is a 04 and its plain old plastic, no rubber feeling coating on it. I cleaned it with an anti fogging chemical.

Grape, I think your right. If you ride alot of powder your screwed, the gauge itself is not sealed very well, there is about 8 small screws in the back that allows the gauge to be taken apart....Not very water resistant at all. ===SRXSRULE===

I had mine apart when it first started to fog. I could see what appeared to be a water drip on the inside that would never dry. So I took the cover off and tried to wipe the "drip" off, but it was actually a defect in the "rubber" coating. As I wiped I could see the coating balling up. Where I had wiped the inside of the lens felt like glass and the part I didn't wipe still felt like rubber. So I stopped and put the gauge back together. On my next trip the guage only fogged where I had wiped and it was a much larger area than before as before it only fogged on the "drip" defect.

After that I got the dealer to order me a new cover under warranty. I replaced it myself and it has been fog free for 1300 miles. BTW the cover is only $23 for anyone out of warranty.
Mine has been repaired under warranty twice. The first time it was simply resealed. Worked for remainder of year one. I had it done a second time about a month ago and this time they replaced the entire bezel and upgraded the rear grommet to an 05. So far so good.
I forgot to add that under normal trail conditions the cluster should not fog, but the unit cannot be totally sealed for powder due to tempature change. Also the Apex cluster is better than the Rx for fogging. Maybe I should sno check one then :)
grape I have found the same thing. Last weekend I rode 400 miles on the trail, it was even snowing very hard at times. No fogging problem. Yesterday I rode 130 miles of ditch banging in 3-10 feet of fresh snow and sure enough, fogged up. ===SRXSRULE===
