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2006 Apex RTX - My First 4-stroke


Oct 11, 2007
Rochester, NY
I just picked up an '06 RTX with 3800 miles after three years on a viper with an M-10. The sled has float protectors, a skid plate and 96 studs, all stock other then that. Exhaust donuts replaced this summer, along with one of the Y-pipes. I paid $4700 for the sled, the previous owner needed it out of the garage so he could store his new Polaris Dragon 800. My question is, how will the Apex suspension compare to the Viper with the M-10? I ride NY trails, so they are pretty rough and tight. I just picked up an Ulmer stage 2 kit, since I hear it helps a significant amount with engine breaking. Thanks for the Input!


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First, you will love the engine breaking. If you ever try a 2 stroke after, youll wonder how u ever could stand coasting forever.

Secondly, the suspension is great on groomed trails. But for the rough stuff, you might want to relocate your c clip on the shock to make it stiffer. This helps tons. Just tell your dealer you want the C clip moved to position 3 (hardest), and if theyre good, they will know what your talking about, youll have it done in less than a minute!
make sure you paint your vents to man they look better with red vents then the grey ones ps dont do it with a can of spray paint it chips after a while learnt that lesson the hard way had to peel it all off and paint it again haha
Nice sled and welcome to the site. First thing you will want to do is find the 'search' option on top of the page. Start doing some searches on anything you want to know about the Apex. You will find a ton of info on the site here. Very helpful.

Just a couple of things off the top of my mind. You will get used to (and end up loving--probably) the engine braking after a few rides. Just be ready for it the first time you ride it. Learn to feather the throttle instead of just letting it go. You will get the feel for it and literally use it as your brakes.

How much do you weigh? If you are more than 180lbs and you ride aggressive...you may find the stock spring will not be enough and you will want to upgrade (many of us have) to a heavier spring.

Since you are clutching your Apex...IMO, 96 studs will not be enough for hooking up. For that matter 96 isnt enough without the clutch kit.

Do a search on what pressure to run your fox floats at...I do not have the floats but I believe most run them at about 60 (someone correct me if I am wrong).

You may want to upgrade your snow flap. The stock one on the 06 models were/are too flimsy and would easily get caught up in the track when going in reverse. Upgrade the the 07 snowflap.

Make sure you let are starting it correctly and allowing it to warm up before you hit the gas or shut it down...if not you may foul the plugs.

Get a battery tender to keep a charge on the battery.

Be sure to check your inner idler wheels after every ride...they have been known to delaminate.

There is a Yamaha dealer named Don Georges on Main St. in Clarence (NY). If you need service from a dealer...I would suggest talking to Junior. He rides an Apex and seems up to speed on the updates and after market stuff.

Hope that helps a bit. I am sure you will love your Apex. The engine 'pull' is addictive.
Get the rear shock revalved, if you are over 180 get a big spring, ( I have one for sale if interested) the stock shock valving will not cut it. Just a simple revalve will help dramaticly. I would add more studs when possible, 144 should be good, just too much power for 96 in my mind. Other than that search and read. I had the same sled and enjoyed running it. Did just about every update and improvement you could. I still have a bunch of stuff from that sled so if your in need of misc. parts P.M. me as I probably have them.

Welcome and enjoy the sled.
I just bought the same sled and am a newbie to sledding. These guys are right about the engine braking. I was out for my first ride on the sled and was doing probably around 30 MPH in 6 inches of pow, standing up on the sled and forgot about the engine brake. Backed off on the throttle completely and I went flying right over the windshield and hood. I bet that looked pretty goofy. But, I got up brushed myself off (like Maxwell Smart) and looked around to see if anyone saw me do that and went back riding. I find that the engine brake is awesome when going into corners. Just back off totally and the track will start to skid and then back on the throttle and you can sort of slide around the corner. I think it's the nicest invention since sliced bread.
nice sled. i got one just like it. lol. anyway call and talk to bruce at pioneer, get yourself a 6.5 spring and a revalve. it is night and day from stock. also get the 13 mm swaybar. and be sure you set your suspension up right, transfer rod ect. oh and one last thing HANG ON TIGHT
The ride will be awesome. Just as good as the M10. But, in the roughter condition you may bottom out. You can get it re-valved by Carver who is recommended by Ohlins. This will cure the problem. You also need more studs. 144 @1.450 in length. Have fun.
Nice sled you'll love it I had one just like it and totalled it.

1st thing you want to do is ride it. then learn from this site what if anything you need to do to make it fit your style.

Many of us have spent the last 4 yrs trying everything you can imagine (or can't) on these sleds to make them better. $5 dollar items can make a large diff and $1000 items may do nothing at all.

I have had motors built, redesinged suspensions run several pipes, filters, fuel controllers, changed tracks, seats, handlebars, shocks............... and so on. I just came back from the UP an hour ago. I took a buddy up on an 05 RX-1 that he bought last yr. He liked it but was going to sell and buy a REV. I talked him into giving me $500 and the sled for 2 weeks. and told him if he was not satisfied I would give him $4500 for the sled and $500 for the parts.

1. Simmons skis Ebay $165 with shipping
2. 13 mm sway bar $89
3. Heel Clicker II clutch kit $239

Total $ 493.00 $7 in my pocket.

I pulled down the limeter starp to the 2nd from bottom holes he was on the loosest. Set his mono shock on the middle spring setting for hardness, Jacked the front up and loosened the springs til they just touched the coils they were down 8 turns past that.

We drove to Ironwood in the UP yesterday morning. Hit the trail at 12 on the dot. rode 140 miles due North to Calumet. Ate dinner and rode back to Ironwood. 280 miles in 7.5 hrs total. with 3 gas stops and one stop at Beer Belly bobs and the Hoop & Hollar on the way back.

He did not want to quit I had to pry him off the sled. Now he won't sell it to me.

Will out accelerate my 150 hp attack on top end, no Ski lift in corners and handles like it is on rails. When we got to the rough stuff a minor crank on the tunnel knob and boom through it like it was not there.

He spent $500 and got a sled that is warm comfy and set up for his style. He would have paid $10k or more got 3K trade in if that and still had a sled that he did not like.

You need to know what the sled does and what you want it to do. Getting there is easy once you know that.
Thanks guys! MCApex44...The sled was originally purchased at Don Georges, and my brother in-law was a tech there at one point in time. The sled already has a re-valve from pioneer, and the spring is in the 3rd clip position. I have already pulled the skid, and replaced all wheels that did not have the replaceable bearings. We have just had a decent snowstorm up here, so this weekend I will take my first ride, and I hope to do a before and after with the Ulmer clutch kit. The Viper I used to ride (wife's now) had a Bender clutch kit, and I am interested to see how it compares. I am debating adding more studs (144 total), but the track is original, and although it's in excellent shape with no tears or missing lugs, it's still a 3500+ mile track, and I don't want to weaken it.... but we'll see how it rides. The Viper I used to ride (wife's now) had a Bender clutch kit, and I am interested to see how it compares.
I run my floats @ 20- 30lbs for better handling, Remember to adjust your pressure with no load on the shocks
tsiceman said:
I run my floats @ 20- 30lbs for better handling, Remember to adjust your pressure with no load on the shocks

This is ok the first time but when your on a ride its hard to find 4 people to lift and hold the sled while you check your pressures. its best to just set a pressure with the sled on the ground then you can check in the mornings or during a ride. air pressure will change due to tem and altitude.

I rode yesterday with a guy on a new Ski-doo he set his Fox2's at 75 off the floor and was at 105 with load and temp was -5 compared to the 70 in his garage.
I rode the Apex for the first time this weekend, I have to say, I was disapointed with sled stock, it did not seem to have the low end pop that my Viper does (with an aggressive clutch kit), and I really did not like the engine breaking. But... I did install the Ulmer clutch kit and took it for a spin. WOW, what a night and day difference. Engine breaking is all but eliminated, back shifting is perfect, and I can't imagine that anything can beat it out of the hole. I would recommend this kit to everyone who has an Apex / Attak. I am still messing around with air pressure in the floats, I can't seem to find the sweet spot yet. I have stock skies with 10" carbides, but was wondering if there was any way to make the sled steer better, it seems to push in the corners. BTW....I have serviced both the jackshaft and driveshaft bearings, they had been greased regularly before I bought the sled.
