I went to start my sled, which is garage kept, and I’m getting the ER1 code. My battery is weak so I put my charger on it and I’m still getting this code. The load relay isn’t working either. I’m a diesel mechanic so I checked and found the relay isn’t being supplied a ground signal from the ecu on this relay and my fuel pump relay. I checked the ground junction blocks , none were burnt. I unplugged the ecu and checked the 2 black ground wires for the ecu, they ohmed out fine. Has anyone else seen this. Any help would be appreciated
Had this happen on the TY Ride. Time to replace the stator
I’ll see if I can order one tonight.Had this happen on the TY Ride. Time to replace the stator
I have to correct myself. Looking back in some threads and my code was ER-12 not ER-1 as you have.I’ll see if I can order one tonight.
Type in ER-1 in the search tab in the upper right corner. There are a few threads covering this issue. Some point to battery, gauge cluster and to the ecu.
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I had the ER-1 and replaced the gauge cluster.
thanks everyone, it was the AGM battery . Had plenty of volts and enough CCA’s to turn it over but I guess not enough to run all the electronics which isn’t a lot lol.
I'm not all knowing. Post your question in forum.
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Check your ground wire coming from the battery. It has a spade connector that can corrode.
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