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2008 Apex LTX Binding feeling


Feb 29, 2008
Im getting a little pissed, scuse my language. Situation is whenever I let off the throttle hte sled sometimes acts as if the brakes are on and throw me forward. When this happens there is hyfax burn smell. Track is dangly loose, doesnt ratchet. I read Daves thread on bearing repacking and did that. Not much noticeable difference. Also, I am getting an overheat light. I ran it the first year without ever seeing that light. At the last run of the year last year it came on, and it continues to come on at times now. I have read the topics on Apex overheating, and I do not want to add exchangers, etc. There has got to be another fix, if not why the hell did Yamaha release this model with insufficient cooling.

And yes, I have checked the hyfax, an replaced them early this year. The only thing I have not checked is the chain, but how could it run flawlessly for 1000 miles and now have issues. Sled only has 1200 miles on it. Please throw me some ideas to think about.

LOW snow or tight icy trail conditions will do this everytime with our sleds.....I have a rear exchanger and water wetter and still have seen this on certain days....and the guys without the wetter/cooler would get it alot sooner/more often.

many times with NEW sliders you will get alot of initial wear on the first ride....this is why i always like the 135mm idler wheels.


where do the pads install. I ask cause there is a stud drill tool that they recommend getting as well. Can I get pictures of the installed pads posted? Thanks I really appreciate it.

i don't know what your snow conditions are like there but here and all around here they are pretty much impassable for most sleds.
if there is no dust flying to get into the heat exchangers under the running boards they are going to overheat. you can put snow on the running boards and it will help.
any brand of sled with new slides will heat the slides to the point of melting and bonding to the track in crust and ice conditions.my uncle was out last night with his new 1200 skidoo and the slides heated up. can't be helped in hard conditions unless you have scratchers.
the slp anti wear pads seam to work very good so far on mine.
The wear pads install in the closed windows by drilling a hole similar to installing a stud. The pads help but do not solve the problem. The only cure is to keep loose snow under the track.
Check your antifreeze mixture, I think my sled came with straight antifreeze from the factory, mix distilled water in until the mixture reeds -45 on the scale.did this to three apexs , haven t had a over heat problem after adjusting mixture on two ltx s & 121 apex" with out the extra heat exchangers
i installed a set of ice scorchers mounted on the skis !! no more temp light, no more slider wear !! its amazing just don't back up with them down !!

I run with SCRATCHERS and havn't had any problems, I can easily get 4000 to 6000 miles on a set of HYFAX, for engine overheating you MUST dilute your coolant start by removing 1.5L and replacing it with DISTILLED water and WATER WETTER, another thing to watch for is your rear FLAP, make sure to not CUT or modify it, its very IMPORTANT that it holds the SNOW DUST circulating in the TUNNEL and suspension to keep things running COOL! This year so far snow conditions haven't been the best...not much snow DUST, very granular/hard packed caused by cold weather lately and making it hard to COOL rads and hyfax...


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Thanks ap. that is my exact sled. Did you fab those scratchers, or can a fella purchase those ones somewhere?
Funny but true.. in a deep moment of stupidity i had the same symptoms with my sled.. hard breaking. and a bad smell.. just to find out that my PARKING BREAK WAS ON!!

If your gunna be dumb you gatta be tough... luckilly these sleds are tough enough for my stupidity..

sgilbert said:
the great thing about the apex is when you are far enough ahead to stop for beer you can load the r boards with snow. good for atleast an hour

LOL.. I ride with a bunch of 600 and 700's and we have a section of trail that is WIDE, STRAIGHT, and FLAT and very LONG. When I get to the other end The first thing I do is pull into some fresh snow, pack my running boards, and take a pee... LOL.. By the time Im done, my buds have cought up...

:yam: :yam: :yam: :tg: :tg: :yam: :yam: :yam:
