2008 Phazer Radiator steaming - help please!


Dec 30, 2023
Reaction score
Old Forge, NY
2010 Nytro
2007 Phazer
We've been riding the Phazer pretty hard this season and when out on the lake, we'll get the overheat light. When we back off, it would go off. This happened a handful of times and then finally the light didn't go off, then POP and a lot of the fluid drained out.

Thermostat is on backorder, however I have replaced the cap and pulled the radiator out and run water through it. Added a bunch of fluid and bled until fluid comes out of the bleed port. The radiator is hot to the touch (can only put my fingers on the top of the radiator for a few moments - the antifreeze lines in and out are pretty warm as well. Video below.

It seems like the fluid is circulating (added fluid, it went down, did it again basically until it bled in).

Can anyone give me an idea of what I should be looking at? I'm new to the cooling repair. If the thermostat was stuck, I don't really understand why the radiator would be steaming.


What does the steam smell like? It might just be residual water or coolant evaporating from the outside surface of the radiator.

Where is your fan??? By 2008, they all had them. If it was just removed for the repairs, reinstall it and see if it comes on while idling and cools it down until it stops again.

You should install a temp gauge.

So I traced it further and think it is coming from the tunnel cooler. Between that, and needing a new track - I'm calling it.
And it might be an '07, there's no radiator fan. Thank you for the help!
You should definitely look into retrofitting a fan onto it. There should be some used ones available or check with Barn of Parts. Won't be a full retrofit to have it controlled by the ECU unless you also want to replace the whole wiring harness. A switch and relay would work. Check to see if there is a wire and plug taped up in the harness near the radiator in case it's there as there were some rumours that some had the wiring but no fan.

Both my 07's had the plug in the harness, one came with fan and i added to the other was very simple.
Ok. So before scrapping the sled altogether I pulled the track (first time) and took at look at the tunnel cooler. No obvious trauma (though I have nothing to compare against) except the sheet metal looks torn just past the cooler. It's a bad photo but maybe someone else can see anything obvious. Despite that tear, I don't see anything of real concern.

The coolant leak seems to be from a pinhole leak in the expansion tank that flows when it is under pressure. I don't know why it burst in the first place but am wondering if it is due to lack of maintenance on the fluid in general (probably original fluid).

Next step will be to replace the expansion tank, and see if that stops the leaks. Then I need to source a new track (4000 miles on this one) and do some skid repair.


put this track on my 07 FX and for me riding around my local area non groomed backwoods trails is perfect. My son's phazer has close to new stock track and the deeper lug of the camso is alot better.
the one in my signature showed the heat light while riding in slush/powder. what it had done was form an ice dam over the cooler while powder riding and wasn't letting fresh snow hit the cooler. cleared the snow/ice and it was fine.
