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2008 Phazer Rtx exhaust cover on FIRE!! YE BE WARNED!!!

Dec 7, 2020
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2010 nytro
2009 mxz 600 etc
2008 vector
2008 phazer mtx
1989 exciter 2
1989 formula plus
web server gratis[/IMG] Just fixed the sprocket driven shaft for the oil pump and coolant pump. Previously had put oil in the top of the engine during an oil change. I didnt notice at first but oil was seeping down the back side. Anyways got sledding going without a #30 code and it was smoking under the gas tank. Ran sled until it idle down and the POOF. A fire started in the bottom of the exhaust cover. Luckily I had the side panels out and was able to contain it and put the fire out. That was close. Cleaned it up and inspected. Started it up again same thing, the fire was now in the middle of the canister this time and not as big.... any thoughts? Need new exhaust gasket as it might be leaking oil? Or just burning off the oil that soaked up in the Fibreglass? Thanks
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So what caught on fire? Oil that dribbled down onto the exhaust pipes at the head? Or the heat shielding? If it's soaked with oil, I would replace it. Mine fell off and replaced it with this stuff:

Used rivets with washers to supplement the adhesive.

the fabric on the bottom of the shield started on fire. As the sled warms up it seems to smoke more and more until POOF. FIRE. Just wondering if anyone else has has this issue.

Maybe I will just put some tin foil underneath the exhaust pipes /over the fabric to see if oil is leaking while it is running.

if it isn’t leaking oil from the exhaust maybe I will rip the fabric out as I don’t want another fire.
Thanks moose man
[/IMG] Problem fixed. Ripped out the old fabric from the bottom of the exhaust shield. It was so saturated that it had soaked right through and was in the bottom of the shield!!! Put some folded up tin foil in after cleaning with super clean. Let it run for 10 mins.checked all good no problems.

Let this be a warning to anyone else that accidentally spills oil down the back of the engine while filling it.

Part ordered from Amazon and no more fires. Is it me or does it seems like one issue after another lol.
(Knock on wood)
Also bought fire extinguishers on sale at Canadian tire for every level of the house and one in the kitchen/new batteries for the smoke detectors. The problem is you never think it’s going to happen to you :/
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Why are you filling it through the valve cover? It's a dry sump system and is normally drained and filled at the oil tank.
Why are you filling it through the valve cover? It's a dry sump system and is normally drained and filled at the oil tank.

when I bought the sled it had a low oil pressure code. I tried pressurizing the tank and blocked the hose while cranking. Didn’t work.
Then I poured oil down the fill hole in valve cover and hooked a suction device onto the outlet line on the oil pan pulling the oil through. Didn’t work.
Then I poured more oil down the oil fill hole in the valve cover and manually turning the clutch with outlet oil line unplugged trying to see if the oil pumped out. Didn’t work.
Took subframe off and oil pan and noticed the gear drive shaft was broken on the oil pump side.
At one point I wasn’t noticing the oil leaking down the back side while filling. Didn’t think it was to much. I was wrong and almost burnt my house down.

really appreciate this forums help never worked on 4 strokes just 2 stroke
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