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2009 Phazer GT Questions


TY 4 Stroke Master
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Just picked up a 2009 GT with 79 miles on it for my 13 year old 5 foot 7 inch 120 lb son. The sled is studded with the tunnel protectors on and is virtually brand new!! Any recommendations on where I should set the suspension for him? Does this sled dart so bad I should be concerned with the stock runners or should I go for a set of duallys. Anything else I should be concerned with as far as safety goes?? He has a 1998 fan cooled 440 Doo now and knows how to ride fairly well but this is a totally different sled.
Darting is a per-sled issue. Some do, others don't. Depends on skis, carbides and so on. Let him try it out and if it needs it, get some duallys. My personal favorite are Double-Downs by Snow Studs. There are also Bergstroms' Triple Points. Never used them but are supposedly good but pricey.

Riding this sled is different. Think of it as a dirt bike on a track. Needs a lot of body English to keep it upright in turns. I think he'll enjoy that. It's not a "sit and ride" type sled. Safety wise, it is capable of high speeds 70MPH+ so he has to be a disciplined rider.
Cool find. I would back the spring tension off on the front skid shock till it is almost loose or rattles with the skid suspended. You will then most likely want to set the skid torsion spring adjuster to the softest setting and back off the clicker on the skid shock to your or your sons liking. With the front, again back off the springs on the front shocks till the almost rattle with the skis suspended. That is were I would start. Have fun! G.B.
