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2010 Big Moose Shoot Out Feb. 13th!!! all info here

About 2 weeks to go and just got the sled back together after it barrel roled 6 times when some guy wave me past him and his wife turned in front of me (WTF)! But any way, does any one know how the conditions are shaping up after this wild weather we've been having? Or we could do a few laps around the lake and then line up!
As it looks now, lakes are real hard Ice, with some snow on them, very little snow but snow at the least. A lot can happen in 2 weeks.

Big moose lake has a beautiful Ice drag track set up. about 3/4 mile long and 40 foot wide, last week the hard pack side was just as nice.

We have been racing on first lake for the past 3 weeks and that is working out good. We always have 4th lake to run on as well.

Once it gets closer I will determine the lake and the trail ride to the lake. Hope for snow, if not bring your ice set ups.

Guys, if you are in town friday night, come out to Slickers. I will be there from about 7-8 on for the night, I can answer any questions and have a few beers, talk some smack and meet everyone.
Hoist up your panties boys, It's almost go time Some good running Cats will be there for your viewing pleasure. ;)!
Art's right - those guys didn't take the summer off, they're big, fat, sound like crap(the sleds) - but they're running 28-30 psi boost, big turbos, and alot faster than last year.

Looking good for Feb 13 :flag:
Yes Andy, Those boys are for sure doing their homework, those John Deere's are running strong. D&D is sure doing a nice job on them.
I am thinking we are going to Big Moose Lake. But I have not been up there in a few weeks so I don't know the trail conditions/lake conditions yet. I hear they are good.

At the very least we will run the race, just no trail ride. Either way its all still on. And still will be a snow race!!

By the way, Big Moose has a great Ice track for anyone that wants to bring Ice sleds.

Rob, you going to come up to slickers Friday night?
1st lake, right in front of my place was super this past weekend - 'bout 2" of snow over ice, flat & fast

the A/C guys with the 1400cc mountaincat had the radar out, they were diggin' the 121 mph Yami ;)!

we'll be up thursday :flag:
ANY WORD ON HOW THE CONDITIONS ARE? Aj I won't be racing because I broke my left eye socket on Tuesday but I will be there to help if needed, But I am going to have a buddy run my sled anyway! Good luck to all who show!
Yes The race is still on, The Trails are non rideable for our sleds any way, Ice rocks and bare roads dont seem fun for 20-30k sleds.

I will be at the enchanted forest in the am 10-11, but we are now going to run on 4th lake and have draw numbers and do every thing on the lake at 12. hope most see this.

give me a call on my cell for any more info..

