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2011 Phazer handling issues


VIP Member
Mar 8, 2005
Cobleskill, NY
2013 Yamaha FX Nytro XTX 1.75
Hey all, Please excuse the long intro, but trying to be thorough:

My fiance's an inexperienced rider, and last year bought her a 2011 holdover thinking it would be a good sled for her. With last year being crappy, she only got about 240 miles on it, but reported no issues. I rode it a bit and it seemed tippy, as a typical stock yammy, and the definitely torquey when the clutch engages. I have a schmidt bros comfort kit for it which I have to get installed, and that should take care of that.

We went out today for the first ride of the season on un-groomed and barely broken trails, and it pulled her all over the place. I had to get her unstuck several times (mostly due to her inexperience and that she's a bit timid). THe issue is why it seems to pull as badly as it does. When I was on it on the trail, it was very hard to keep straight. Not darting, but the back end felt like it was sliding all over, so I understand why she had a hard time controlling it.

So that brings me to the questions: Is it a weight transfer issue, suspension issue? I was thinking of taking off some preload on the front shock, and maybe turning the rear springs down to soft, but I thought I'd ask some of you, since I've been on a Phazer for all of half a mile.

transfer has a some part of it but more or less it's the stock track. getting a bigger lug track will be night n day difference. i don't suggest studs in stock track (tried it & didn't see much of an improvement, say your $)

but lets try some freebies, mess with the limiter strap some. loosen to get weight off skis. set transfer blocks to medium or soft.

yes this sled is tippy & needs alot of rider imput, but once set it up to your/her style it will be a blast.
pull the limiter strap in - let the shock out so that the spring is loose without anyone on it. i run the rear shock a couple clicks in from full soft and depending on the weight of the rider set the torsion springs so they don't bottom. front shocks need to be stiff so they don't dive in corners - i wrecked an 07 after i set the gytr springs soft - it dove on me to one side and i had to over-correct to get it back and went into the forest with it.
xt_gt said:
try some freebies, mess with the limiter strap some. loosen to get weight off skis. set transfer blocks to medium or soft.

yes this sled is tippy & needs alot of rider imput, but once set it up to your/her style it will be a blast.
woolyviper said:
pull the limiter strap in - let the shock out so that the spring is loose without anyone on it. i run the rear shock a couple clicks in from full soft and depending on the weight of the rider set the torsion springs so they don't bottom. front shocks need to be stiff so they don't dive in corners

Pull UP the limiter a couple holes, it will help. Woolyviper is right on with his adjustments. The sled needs to be ridden, a passive operator will not be able to get comfortable, or even feel safe. Explain to her about getting her weight up over the skis, and give her a field or lake to practice. It won't take long.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll mess with it a bit this week and see if there's any improvement next weekend. I had it on the trailer today, and noticed the front end was sitting "lopsided" that is the right side seemed lower than the left, also the whole front end seemed like it was sitting low. Is there a known failure of any kind on the fox shocks? The sled has 260 miles on it, most of that last season. Spent the off season in the garage floor w/ the rear on a lift. I'll pull them and test them... ALso I'll try to get some pics.
Maybe they just dont have enough air in them.If they leak test the schrader valve.9 out of ten times that is the souce of the air leak on a fox float.
Well I found the source of her handling issue, the left front shock was at 0 psi. I brought it to the dealer today, and they couldn't find any issue with it, put it back to 60psi and it has held so far. We'll run it tomorrow and see if it holds up.
If she is still having handling issues I would highly recommend a new set of skiis. I bought the SLP Powder Pros for I think ~$300 w/ carbides and it has made my 07 phazer way more fun and way safer on trail and also made it soooo much easier/fun to ride off trail. I am tight with my money but a ski upgrade is almost a must with these sleds in my opinion.
Handling issues are from the left front shock not holding air. We did about 100 miles today and it handled fine when the shocks were full, but we had to stop and fill it up every 20 miles or so. It would lose 25 psi by then. It lost 40 psi overnight just sitting. Will be making a call to the Yami dealer in the AM to see about getting a new shock. It's got 360 miles on it....

Also had an issue with oil today. She took a turn too wide and buried it, and some good samaritans came along and tried to help, but rolled it over instead. When I came to check on her, they had just got it upright. I started it and it said OP-LO and wouldn't let the sled move. Conveniently we were 10 minutes from a gas station, it took 1/4 qt of oil before it would let the sled move, even though it read full on the stick. Still reading full not. Strange.
I hate to say this....but the Phazer is not a good sled to put inexperienced riders on. It requires, as others have said, a lot of body english and rider "interaction". After a couple of years on one, I am just finally getting better at controlling it without ending up all over the trail.
It's a fun sled to ride and I love mine, but it can be a little dangerous with young or new riders. Of course, this is just my opinion.
I also have a Doo TNT 600 etec and it handles totally different than the Phazer. When others go with me riding and use my equipment, I always put them on the Doo, never on the Phazer. They always ask me why I am sliding all of the sled and leaning because they aren't, and I just have to tell them that is the way that the Phazer has to be ridden. I don't think there are any adjustments to get rid of it, believe me, I have tried, but came to the conclusion.....that is just the nature of the beast. Ride it like you part of it. Just my two cents!
check the air box I bet that is where the oil went to. If you tip it over on its left side it will dump the oil out the breather into the airbox
I get what your saying, and I said pretty much the same thing, that maybe this wasn't the sled for her. We did 200 miles or so last season on nice groomed trails and she had no issues. Note that she didn't roll it today, 2 guys trying to help her out did. When you've got a shock at 100lbs and one at 30, it'll affect handling a bit. She felt comfortable on it when the shocks were balanced, especially with the SBM comfort kit cutting down on the torquey engagement.
The local guys aren't a yami dealer anymore, they lost their franchise last year. They didn't check much, just filled it and said it was holding air. I'll call the dealer I bought my Nytro from this year and see what they say about it.
Yea usually it is the valve.Can check by taking shock off.Pump it up and put it in sink full of water.It could be the valve core or corrosion on the aluminum the valve screws into.Good cleaning is all it takes or replacement cores can be bought anywhere.If you see it leaking out bottom of sleeve by the blue seal/wiper it would be the internal seal.To get that with shock in sled just grab hold of the sleeve and turn it counter clockwise to unscrew it.It can be fairly tight.Strap wrench or very careful use of a piece of cardboard and pliers. Push it down all the way and you will see a O-ring on the cap.That is what holds air in.Check it for nicks.Hope this saves you some ride time vs waiting for a shock.
