2012 vector seat foam & vinyl issue


Jan 1, 2013
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Looking for input on people haveing issues with vinyl wrinkling on seat. My dealer replaced seat cover and still having same issues. Is there a fix from Yamaha with the foam etc...? Seat foam from 2011 to 2012 is different i believe causing this issue. any input appreciated. Also has anyone raised their seat up like the Apex??
Good question. I can't help you but we are having the same issue with our '12 Vector. Large crease on the left side of the seat.
I also have some on my 08, mostly on the right side, and the only thing I can think of, is that the vinyl is not tight enough around the foam underneath?

I have been kicking around the idea of adding another inch or two of foam for comfort/ride height only but I also think this mod will also cure the crease?
You could remove the seat and take the staples out. Pull tighter and even on all sides and staple back. Use 1/4 SS if you you get them. A hand gun should work. I did mine this way.
Blackstar said:
Good question. I can't help you but we are having the same issue with our '12 Vector. Large crease on the left side of the seat.

Now that you mentioned this I noticed this on my sled last week and didn't really think anything about it until I read this post. I will need to look at it closer tomorrow. I can't remember which side I noticed it on.

How does one go about raising their seat if the wanted it higher. I'm thinking it would make it a little easier to stand up if needed, but also make it a little more tippy in the corners.
We had this issue with our Apex's back when they first came out.
VectorLTX2012 said:
Blackstar said:
Good question. I can't help you but we are having the same issue with our '12 Vector. Large crease on the left side of the seat.

Now that you mentioned this I noticed this on my sled last week and didn't really think anything about it until I read this post. I will need to look at it closer tomorrow. I can't remember which side I noticed it on.

How does one go about raising their seat if the wanted it higher. I'm thinking it would make it a little easier to stand up if needed, but also make it a little more tippy in the corners.
Actually I think that a higher seat will make it much easier to shift your body weight side to side and forward in the twisty turns and make the sled easier to control. I'm not sure how the TF compares with the Vector for seating position but I found a big difference going from the Venture Lite to the Venture TF. Although the TF claims to be rider forward it has a lower seating position than the VL and I find it much more difficult to use body english to control. Besides those points I find the higher seating position much less tiring for a full day of riding and more fun to ride.
i have the same crease on rh side of seat, sled is 10 months old yammy does not want to fix it
bought the sled last winter as a left over [2012] iam now being told it has a mechanical only warranty do the fact my selling dealer bought it from a dealer going out of bussiness, i was told it had a full factory warranty when i bought it.
this is my first yammy not to impressed
lakefect said:
i have the same crease on rh side of seat, sled is 10 months old yammy does not want to fix it
bought the sled last winter as a left over [2012] iam now being told it has a mechanical only warranty do the fact my selling dealer bought it from a dealer going out of bussiness, i was told it had a full factory warranty when i bought it.
this is my first yammy not to impressed

IMO, Yamaha isn't customer friendly with the warranty...............My next sled will more then likely be a Ski Doo-with the ace motor :Rockon:
I had a same issue with my 2010 apex seat. Removed the seat, removed staples,Added 1 in of foam to seat. streatched the cover, restapled the seat. added some extra material I had over the staple are as I noticed material was starting to wear and tear. All good now, held up better last year and the extra foam helped soften the feel of the seat on long trips. ;)!
