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2012 XTX Suspension VS 07 Attak


Jan 28, 2007
Bancroft, IA
Hey guys,

I found a heck of a deal on a 12 Apex XTX with 1,000 miles. I have been riding a 2007 Attak.

My question is this, what if anything should I do to the suspension? My concern is that I am 360lbs with gear. On the Attak I had Half Baked put their beef up kit on the suspension arms and put the Megafloat shock in. I ran that shock with about 200psi and absolutely loved it. Never bottomed out and was by far the most comfortable sled I've ever ridden - nothing like riding on air.

I had no intentions of going away from the monoshock suspension but the deal was just too good to pass up.

Will the suspension hold up to a good beating? Are there reinforcements done to arms like there are done on the mono skid? Are the shocks/springs good to go or should I look at revalve and heavier springs?

Thanks for any help or suggestions you have! Brad

I know there's less chance of breaking a drive shaft! I have a 2004 Warrior, broken drive shaft at 10K miles, replaced it myself, I also have a 2011 Apex and the driveshaft is obviously beefier! I believe they replaced it in 2009! It's no fun breaking a driveshaft 120 miles away from the Motel, especially in Quebec, it cost me $400 to have it brought back to the Motel we were staying at by one of the local thieves up there :o|
I have had a 06, 08 and 2011 monoshock apexs and now in my second season on my 2012 xtx apex, mucn better for big bumps, increased traction as well.
