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2013 xtx woodys stud pattern?


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Hey guys on there website it says my sled cannot be studded? I have the ripsaw 1.25 track
Any recommendations on patterns? I'm thinking of using the triangle backers for a better hole shot
I'm pretty sure you can with a 1.25. Are you sure it's not a 1.5? I'm done with studs. Ruin your track, add a ton of weight and rotating mass. Not to mention studs going through heat exchangers! Unless you ride crappy snow conditions or lake race a lot I wouldn't bother. I have a xtx 1.75 and trail ride 75% of the time. Never once wish I had them.
I think Woodys thinks its a 1.75 track and not a Ripsaw 1.25 which you can stud. I would stud up the middle only not the sides. Here is a pic of mine with over 4k on the track so far.



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ok thanks if possible i want to throw a few on the outsides to help with the hole shot
You really don't need them. 114 down the center in a v patten.

FYI - the reason woodys says the sled is not able to be studded is unlike 09-12 Nytro XTX models the 2013 Nytro XTX models (1.25" track or 1.75" track) and the 2014 Nytro XTX which only came in a 1.75" track do not have factory-installed tunnel protectors (the 1.75" track models also don't have any front heat exchanger protectors). If you would like to add tunnel protectors to a 2013 Nytro XTX 1.25" track model to run studs Yamaha does not sell them as a kit so the only way you can add them is to order all the individual parts for the tunnel protectors off the microfiche for a previous year (09-12) Nytro XTX (or find a set from someone who took them off a 09-12 Nytro XTX to run the bigger 1.75" track). The 1.75" track models do not have enough clearance for either the front heat exchanger protectors or the tunnel protectors to fit in these models due to the track size. It may be possible with smaller track drivers and by dropping the mounting locations of the rear suspension to gain extra clearance to get them in there but for all practical purposes the 1.75" track models would need extensive mods to be able to use studs.
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Really.... Yamaha really messed up in 2013 didn't they now I'm regretting this buy lol
Yup Mine is a 2012 and had the protectors.
If you go with a Christmas tree pattern up the middle make sure the studs that make up the top of the tree are not too close together or they can rub on the lower portion of the center shock (on the inside of the track). Some threads about it on here if you search.
114 1.325 gold diggers with their large aluminum backing plate in a v pattern on my 13 xtx 1.25 and it works great. The 1.25 XTX comes with front protectors but no backs. My dealer swore I didn't need them in the back. I would say he was right since I now have over 900 miles on it and not a single nick on anything. I run the suspension fairly soft and have bottomed it a few times in craters on the trail. I also keep my track looser than stock and have made many high speed runs while hitting the brakes hard.
114 1.325 gold diggers with their large aluminum backing plate in a v pattern on my 13 xtx 1.25 and it works great. The 1.25 XTX comes with front protectors but no backs. My dealer swore I didn't need them in the back. I would say he was right since I now have over 900 miles on it and not a single nick on anything. I run the suspension fairly soft and have bottomed it a few times in craters on the trail. I also keep my track looser than stock and have made many high speed runs while hitting the brakes hard.

I just spoke to Larry at woodys he said you cannot stud a 13 xtx model at all with out getting a drop kit for the wheels because they will hit hard every bump u hit I think I found a couple companies that sell them does anyone else have any info on this? It seems like nobody owns a 2013 lol
Here is a picture of my 1.25 13xtx with studs and no rear protectors. Not a nick after 950 miles. I have bottomed it out more than once like I said and am a pretty big boy and prefer the softer settings for a nice ride. Many high speed runs too. Maybe I am just lucky?
Does anyone know the part numbers I need to get a tunnel protector on the 13 Nytro?
