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2015 Viper start up and idle


Dec 15, 2019
Reaction score
2015 Sr viper
Hi everyone,
This is my first post and first season owning my viper. I'm guessing the way my sled starts and dies I haven't yet had the latest ecu flash. I also noticed when the sled is idling in the garage if I give it a quick flip on the throttle it will often die. Has anyone else experienced this? Can the ecu flash be done at an arctic cat dealer if needed? I am over an hour away from the nearest Yamaha dealer that's why I ask.
Yamaha dealer only for flash and even with the newest flash I still need to wait until the engine is above about 120*f or it will die with a quick throttle blip. If you have the newest flash it will idle at ~1650 right after a cold start and settle down to 1500 as it warms up. Older flashes drop to 1600 at cold start. Another way to check is to use the tach recall feature, the latest flash on mine shows around 9,350 max RPM on recal, older flashes usually only get 9,200-9,250 max
May be time for a valve adjustment
I have to second that about valve adjustment. Hate to say it! I did mine over summer, two valves were real bad. Still not starting the easiest but once it starts it keeps running. My problems started middle of last year, just out of the blue. (7700 miles) Valve adjustment was $100 parts and tons of work.
Make sure you have fresh fuel in your sled. Old gas can make it run bad and rough as well. Start with the easy stuff first. Also,get your vin number handy and call A Yamaha dealer and they can check if your sled has the latest flash. Also,ensure your sled is at operating temp before hitting the throttle, the flashing red light on gauge will stop flashing when she is ready to go.
Ok thanks guys. I didn't think valves would be out already with just over 3000 miles but I guess it's always possible. I'll give a Yamaha dealer a call. I haven't been able to get out for a good ride yet since winter doesn't want to cooperate so I guess old gas is a possibility. The stalling issues have been at full operating Temp
Checked the cold start idle rpm. Initial start up is around 1750 then once it warms up it drops to around 1550
Ok thanks guys. I didn't think valves would be out already with just over 3000 miles but I guess it's always possible. I'll give a Yamaha dealer a call. I haven't been able to get out for a good ride yet since winter doesn't want to cooperate so I guess old gas is a possibility. The stalling issues have been at full operating Temp

Having the exact same issue on my 15!! Find anything out yet? Mine is dumping way too much fuel. I can smell it on start up.
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We have 2 2015 sleds that won’t start cold without I tiny bit of throttle. Once started, all us good once warmed up. Both at around 11,000 miles. Newest flash. I’m thinking valve issues. Manual says they should be adjusted at 25, 000 miles. Probably drag em in to the dealer soon
Mine has 10k on it. It just started doing this alot since the last flash though.
So I had a 2015 that never started well. So I have a 2017 that starts better but not great my Dads 2015 now does not start or idle like mine. I have 8000 on mine and he has 4000
I have had 3 re flashes. All 3 created new problems. One made it backfire on start up, one made the speedometer off by around 28 mph, and the current reflash. My sled started needing a tiny bit of throttle last season. I just thought it was a weak battery (which is a contributing problem) then I thought it was because of the extreme cold last year. But now after changing plugs, fuel filter, etc, I believe it’s maybe the valves needing adjustment
Ok thanks guys. I didn't think valves would be out already with just over 3000 miles but I guess it's always possible. I'll give a Yamaha dealer a call. I haven't been able to get out for a good ride yet since winter doesn't want to cooperate so I guess old gas is a possibility. The stalling issues have been at full operating Temp
I have a 2014 with @ 9,800 miles on it and at the end of last season, it seemed to have the symptoms attributed to the tight valves, including all the symptoms you described. I took it into the dealer and he said the valves were fine. He did the latest reflash, and all those symptoms disappeared! It does turn over a little longer before firing, but it is starting and running great, and it has better acceleration. If you are having those issues and the sled does not have the latest reflash, reflashing will probably solve your problems. If you have your VIN #, the dealer should be able to tell you over the phone whether the sled has been reflashed. If it hasn't been reflashed, set up an appointment to do it while you wait, it only takes a few minutes.
Seems odd that a re-flash would cure this. Seems strange that it will run OK, on a given flash, then gradually decline to mimic tight valve symptoms.
Do the flashes, or programmings, wear out? Do they slowly degrade to the point of drivability issues?
There's something more here. Just don't know what.
