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Just was at my dealer & he said the word is, Yamaha along with Cat of course, is coming out with a mountain version of the 120 too!
Available in Brand New Graphics too!
billbies said:
Don't get ur hopes up for 2015 there is no dealer meeting this year just a webcast ands it's earlier than usual
that doesn't give me a good feeling about any new product out of the blue camp more than a mountain viper
oh well the attack will have to last this year and next i guess

dates? source?
Can not disclose source, but meeting is early in february and not late like usual and no meeting at all just web intro for dealers to be a part of and that is between Feb 10-Feb 15 date and time to yet be finalized
To heck with a finicky turbo charger. Super charger is more consistant with less headaches. A triple 1050 super charged 180 hp on the Viper chassis. A Venom. Rumors abound of the move from four cylinders to three on the R6 and R1. Even a big bore thriple based off the current 1050 design. :yam: :Rockon:
I mentioned this 'tounge-in-cheek' in last year's 2014 speculation, but since the conversation has again turned to 3-cylinders I'll toss this out there with a little more serious tone this time and see what you guys think.

Yamaha has a couple of 4-stroke scooter motors that, if certain engineering changes were made, would lend themselves fairly well to snowmobiles. One motor, which is used in the 500cc T-MAX, is a 2-cylinder design, with a dummy piston being used for counterbalancing. A lot of scooter builders have toyed with the idea of turning this dummy piston into a real piston, making the motor displacement closer to 750 without increasing physical size or adding a lot of weight. Yamaha does hold a patent for a 3-clylinder version in 750cc size. The T-Max is a lie-down design (in order to fit within the confines of a scooter), and therefore has a very low COG and it incorporates a CVT. It would require some re-engineering on Yamaha's part to make it work in a sledding application, but where there's a will... Probably not enough power for you guys though, but try to see this motor design as a jumping off point for which a more impressive powerplant could be built for use in a snowmobile. Think it's got potential?



Interesting but to much re-engineering I think. I'm sure they have plenty of choice of engines without to much work needed to adapt. Like they did with the RX1/Apex bike engine.

Then again, where did the Nytro engine come from?
easy answer is throw the new FZ09 motor in it good horsepower gobs of torque and lightweight design (along the same lines as ACE 900) but with plenty of power and would be a nice motor for that 100hp ish category in a sled configuration
I agree on both points. Re-engineering the T-Max motor design would be a big job. But consider using the existing design in a triple (like they have with the T-Max 750) only slightly bigger bore and with beefier clutching. The FZ09 motor would be a great choice, but you'd still have a bit of engineering to do in order to convert the clutch basket to CVT. Plus, you'd still have a lot of rotating mass up high. Question is which would be a bigger engineering feat?
the clutch basket is a non issue as look where the rx1/apex motor came from FZ1
And yamaha is first and foremost a motor company remember this is what they do
Phatboyc said:
Interesting but to much re-engineering I think. I'm sure they have plenty of choice of engines without to much work needed to adapt. Like they did with the RX1/Apex bike engine.

Then again, where did the Nytro engine come from?

The nytro motor, even the 973 version was an fjr motorcycle motor with 1 cylinder chopped off.
billbies said:
easy answer is throw the new FZ09 motor in it good horsepower gobs of torque and lightweight design (along the same lines as ACE 900) but with plenty of power and would be a nice motor for that 100hp ish category in a sled configuration

Yep, that's the best bet. It's rated at 115 HP. And super light weight too. Granted the fz 9 is in an aluminum chassis, that fz9 weighs less than the fz6 which is a 600 cc 4 cylinder, but it feels even lighter than the weight claim is.
