Seems to me like it is time for the Apex to get some work done. They added Nytro and updated that now the SR Viper so pretty much Nytro replacement. Phazer redone so now that leaves Vector and Apex that Have not really changed since 2006 with some pretty cool add ons of course but no real drastic body changes or new engines. Even Supertrax is starting to speculate the change of the Apex. curious to see the snowmobile shows in March see what's coming out. That is usually when we hear of the next new thing is Spring no? Won't be long now.
OVR4D said:
I mentioned this 'tounge-in-cheek' in last year's 2014 speculation, but since the conversation has again turned to 3-cylinders I'll toss this out there with a little more serious tone this time and see what you guys think.

Yamaha has a couple of 4-stroke scooter motors that, if certain engineering changes were made, would lend themselves fairly well to snowmobiles. One motor, which is used in the 500cc T-MAX, is a 2-cylinder design, with a dummy piston being used for counterbalancing. A lot of scooter builders have toyed with the idea of turning this dummy piston into a real piston, making the motor displacement closer to 750 without increasing physical size or adding a lot of weight. Yamaha does hold a patent for a 3-clylinder version in 750cc size. The T-Max is a lie-down design (in order to fit within the confines of a scooter), and therefore has a very low COG and it incorporates a CVT. It would require some re-engineering on Yamaha's part to make it work in a sledding application, but where there's a will... Probably not enough power for you guys though, but try to see this motor design as a jumping off point for which a more impressive powerplant could be built for use in a snowmobile. Think it's got potential?



If the motor was a lay down design the balance would be much better ... that's why I ditched the Nytros this year and went with pro rmk this season instead of the viper. Using the scooter set up would be like the Sno Sports / Scoot in the early 90's .... I have a 125 cc sport swinging a 121" x 12.5" x 1.33' track and with only 12 hp its amazing the places & amount of snow it can go. If the 500 / 750was a lay down putting out 85 to 110 hp with decent geometry it would be a great sled!
I we certain that all they will add for next year is mountain sleds? February 11th the new line up will be unveiled online as per CR. What do you guys think?
Don't know for sure but friend at dealer tells me dealer meeting is out west and will most likely see a new mountain sled. Also told me of possibility of a 2 stroke in the mountain sled. I don't expect there to be any big surprises for 2015 but in years after that I think we will see more "new" stuff.
Well there ya go, shows you what I know. Guess I'm out of the loop lol. If there is no meeting, I'm gonna guess there isn't too much "new" to talk about then.
Don't know for sure but friend at dealer tells me dealer meeting is out west and will most likely see a new mountain sled. Also told me of possibility of a 2 stroke in the mountain sled. I don't expect there to be any big surprises for 2015 but in years after that I think we will see more "new" stuff.

Your friend is probably referring to Yamafest. There is typically a regional dealer meeting on the Friday, with demo's etc. Saturday on Boulder. Dealer/customer event Sat. evening at the Hillcrest.
So what you are telling me is I have another 2-3 years before a new hypersled and I should keep improving my machine by getting the front shocks revalved and a new track? lol add steering bushings and saddlebags. I'll probably be in a better buy state in a few years. Well guess its time to save some money.
I think the days of hyper sleds are on hold for a while because the market is just not there. I have zero miles on an apex and only 10 miles on a new viper. They viper is a tad quicker than my nytro was and I'll admit they do ride pretty nice. Longevity? We'll have to see in the long run. I know a lot of guys love their Apex's, its just not the sled for me.

My advice? If you really love the Apex, update to a 2014 because it may be a while before they make something you like again. I couldn't get out of the proaction chassis' sleds, finally got the nytro and I still wasn't happy. I miss the SRX's and the vipers.
I think the days of hyper sleds are on hold for a while because the market is just not there. I have zero miles on an apex and only 10 miles on a new viper. They viper is a tad quicker than my nytro was and I'll admit they do ride pretty nice. Longevity? We'll have to see in the long run. I know a lot of guys love their Apex's, its just not the sled for me.

My advice? If you really love the Apex, update to a 2014 because it may be a while before they make something you like again. I couldn't get out of the proaction chassis' sleds, finally got the nytro and I still wasn't happy. I miss the SRX's and the vipers.

Yea I have been looking for a lowish mileage 2011-2012 again we'll see. Thanks for the input. going to test ride Viper and 14 Apex in March I'll compare the 2 see then what I can do.
I still think well get an Apex replacement in 2016.

Yamaha has been changing their hyper sled every 5 years. They brought enough changes in 2011 on the Apex no way they'll upgrade it again.

Add this to what Chris Reid is somewhat saying on his blog and a "new" sled for the next five year. No way they put their flagship sled engine in the pro cross chassis.
Gonna toss this out there........
163 Yamaha pro cross viper with stock genesis engine (135hp) WITH A FACTORY TURBO. 180hp not 190
Now normally I would never never expect Yamaha to bolt a turbo on to one of their rigs UNLESS cat puts a turbo on next year and releases it forcing Yamahas hand into doing the same so they don't loose sales to their own engine.
A Yamacat 153/162 w/ 180hp " mountain max" would draw a lot of attention I think..... If both company's bought the same turbo system to cut $$$ down it might even be affordable...

Arctic cat could force Yamahas hand into a turbo since cat has run factory turbos in the past.
Any thoughts??
yukon yamaha said:
Gonna toss this out there........
163 Yamaha pro cross viper with stock genesis engine (135hp) WITH A FACTORY TURBO. 180hp not 190
Now normally I would never never expect Yamaha to bolt a turbo on to one of their rigs UNLESS cat puts a turbo on next year and releases it forcing Yamahas hand into doing the same so they don't loose sales to their own engine.
A Yamacat 153/162 w/ 180hp " mountain max" would draw a lot of attention I think..... If both company's bought the same turbo system to cut $$$ down it might even be affordable...

Arctic cat could force Yamahas hand into a turbo since cat has run factory turbos in the past.
Any thoughts??

Make sense to me, but it's either that or they drop a 4 cylinder either based on the apex, or a newer designed 4 cylinder motor into the procross. I have a bad feeling yamaha will be trying to use cats chassis as much as possible, effectively cutting the 4 manufacturers into 3. That's not a good thing for our industry.
