2024 S/W first oil change—-WTH?


Lifetime Member
Feb 29, 2004
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I am doing the first oil change on my friend’s 2024 Sidewinder GT. 600 miles. Sled has never been back to the dealer.
This oil filter was on it


Has anyone seen a Wix filter from the factory?
Then this was in the pan

And this was jammed under the chaincase

WTH!! that’s all I saw for now.
That's a strap for the ECU I believe, you might want to make sure everything is strapped down in the bulkhead. I did my own first oil change and chain case servicing and the gear wasn't indexed properly under the actuator for the chain case.
That is just what it is. Sucks getting my hands down there to reinstall it.
My 2024 LTX GT Winder also had the Wix filter installed from factory when the 500 mile oil change was done.
If their good enough for Vice Grip Garage they're good enough for me. :)
That's a strap for the ECU I believe, you might want to make sure everything is strapped down in the bulkhead. I did my own first oil change and chain case servicing and the gear wasn't indexed properly under the actuator for the chain case.
Mine wasn't indexed correctly either. 2024
making an oil change on the 998 is a pita!! My first one (ZR RR)and now i realised that i will have to redrain it to do the chaincase???!! There must be another way!!??
making an oil change on the 998 is a pita!! My first one (ZR RR)and now i realised that i will have to redrain it to do the chaincase???!! There must be another way!!??

Typically you'd do both at the same time, but you can open the chaicase without draining the oil tank, Just pull the cover and oil tank back, the hoses flex enough and you can pull and swing the assembly out of the way.

A lot of people drill the rivets out on the chaincase side so the lower panel can be removed easily too. I use Honda plastic push pins now to hold that panel on.

When you get used to doing it, it's not that hard like anything.
Thats what i will do next time! season almost over, and replacing the track!
Wix filters are actually some of the best aftermarket filters out there. I was just surprised that Yamaha would deliver the motor with that filter instead of their own.
I thought you had to buy the wix xp to get the good one, that looks like there entry level filter
I thought you had to buy the wix xp to get the good one, that looks like there entry level filter
The XP filter is just extended performance (long life) but actually the standard filter does a better job of filtering (higher efficiency)
The XP filter is just extended performance (long life) but actually the standard filter does a better job of filtering (higher efficiency)
Higher efficiency with smaller micron element. The reason XP filters supposedly can last longer (on cars 10,000+ mles) is because the filter media won't get dirty as fast because it allows larger particles size to pass through. This is true for all extended life oils filters. Standard ones almost always have lower micron media and higher bypass specs.
The XP filter is just extended performance (long life) but actually the standard filter does a better job of filtering (higher efficiency)
Whats the part number on the wix
