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375 HP Yamaha RX1 Turbo!!!

I'm with hardcore on this one SrXxTrEeM. skoteridioten was just making a statement about the horsepower and to have you jump all over him and with your broken English :?: :?: If you read it a couple of times you can figure it out very easily. This is his first post in a long time and to have you put him down for just passing along some info is hard to take.

[quote="BlgsRX-1mtn]Hardcore actually skoteridioten is an old member from the first forum last year b4 it crashed. I remember him posting the translation of his user name. It tranlates to snowmobile idiot or something to that effect. [/quote]

ya how could i not remember his name from before the crash of 2003
welcome back skoteridioten
McXpress Kit

Personnally I like the first kit just fine and if they can make a kit that will work as well and sell for less, then alot more will benefit. By eliminating the custom gas tank and the stainless header, they should be able to cut a fair amount of $ all the retail price. This should bring it well below the Bender and CPR turbo kits. This should be good news to potential turbo buyers.
Why anyone would be critical of this is beyond me. :roll:
A few months ago MC-Xpress put a 1300 Hayabusa with HUGE turbo on the dyno.It made 628 hp on the first run.On the second run it pulled 640hp
but the headgasket blew away...I dont think they have any intention to put a motor like that in a sled...

This isnt a contest between Bender and MC-X. These guys are just having
fun while testing the potential of different "riceburner turbos" :wink:
Bender is running the charge tube inside the tunnel back up front to the airbox. Therefore the charge tube is, in a sense, acting as an inter-cooler because it is in the snow from your track. The stage 1 kit doesn't utilize an actual intercooler, but this charge tube does cool the charge considerably, especially at the lower 4 to 8 pounds boost. I've been told you can run pump premium at 8 pounds and make 220 hp.
Hell i remember a long time ago (atleast ten years) when they were installing turbos on two strokes and getting 300hp its nothing new just kinda pointless when you loose so much HP threw the drive train!

Nice to brag about i guess :D
HI,i'm new to this forum,I got a 2003 mountain rx-1 a month ago and just purchassed the new version of the mc-xpress.They didn't guarantee me any exact horse power but on there fax reply to me ,they said the kit produces 230-240 horse on pump gas and 300 with either low compression pistons or race fuel. So not really a guarantee ,but its on paper.
30,000 SEK..........OR 3900 US............OR 5200 cdn delivered plus if your canadian 6% duty 7%gst and if your from bc. 7.5% provincial tax
