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A question about the poor speedo accuracy....


VIP Member
Jan 6, 2006
Indiana, the vast snowmobile-owner's wasteland...
As I'm unfamiliar with Yamaha (but preparing to buy an Attak soon) this may sound like a dumb question.

I just read from some over at HCS that Yamaha's speedo is accurate at normal trail speeds and the odomoter is accurate. It's just high speeds that's off. This is the first I've heard this, but I'm new here. So here's my question...

HOW the heck, and/or WHY, would they create a speedo that is accurate at low speeds and accurate on the odometer, and reads high at high speeds. If it's reading 124 at 110, which seems to be about what most are saying, I had assumed that the speedo is reading a full 12.7% too high across the entire range. Common sense would dicate that your odometer is therefore also reading 12.7% too high, and fuel mileage reports from everyone on these 4 strokes is 12.7% higher than reality.

I'm just curious...this makes no logical sense to me. For any of you saying that the odo and low speed speedo are both accurate, are you basing this statement on an actual GPS comparison? I don't run GPS, but I belive some of them have odometers so this should be an easy test that I assume some have tried.

Thanks! Here's a much shorter version of my question...Exactly how accurate the odometer itself? I ask because this reading would have a notable impact on actual vs. reported fuel ecomony.

WHY,,, becasue you sell more sleds if you think your sled is really going 135mph..

yes the odometer is still accurate.. the speedo is 10% off over 100mph
welterracer said:
WHY,,, becasue you sell more sleds if you think your sled is really going 135mph

Make sense to some people, I guess. But in my opinion, it just makes those people sound like complete morons when they brag about an unrelasitic top speed like they really did it. But that's the age-old snowmobiler exaggeration game! Might as well capitalize on it, eh?
My Warrior was my first sled with a digital MPH and was unaware at first that speedo was off until reading about on here. Makes no sense that Yamaha can't get it accurate, and doing intentionally is even more insane on their part IMO.
GPS had shown that the other brands can get their Digitals to read within a couple MPH.
leaddog said:
Speedo is off 10% - 14% all the way up. I've checked it on my GPS.

That was my suspicion, which is why I asked. Which also leads me to seriously question that the odometer is accurate, as some have claimed. Have any of you actually checked your odometer against a GPS tripmeter?

Many others say the speedo is accurate at lower speeds. And odometer is accurate at all speeds. But what are those statemts based on? At least you've compared your speedo to GPS for a real test. I've heard others on different forums reporting low speed inaccuracies as well, such as 45 on speedo = 40 GPS.

It's really not that important to me....just a point of discussion and interest. And with the varying reports, I'm not sure what to believe. Thanks again...
Well for one thing when you ride a 100 mile or more day and you're showing the same mileage + or - a couple as the guys on other makes that tells you that the odometer is on.
At 117 on the speedo--103 on the GPS
At 50 on the speedo---44 0n the gps
Both readings .88
ODO reading was 48--gps ODO 46.8
Apex is off by about 5 to 10 mph, compared to a f-7 at all speeds, checked them is past weekend, but remeber if you're in front you're always faster, and then the speedo doesn't matter..
tcona-AGT said:
At 117 on the speedo--103 on the GPS
At 50 on the speedo---44 0n the gps
Both readings .88
ODO reading was 48--gps ODO 46.8

Beautiful...exactly the info I was seeking. Thank you mucho.

And if this holds true for others it is now confirmed....someone at Yamaha with WAY too much time on their hands made the concious decision to calibrate odometer and speedometer differently, even though I'm sure they both get their info from the same pickup. You just gotta love the ability to use a computer chip as a silly marketing tool! Makes me laugh a bit.

Glad to hear the odometer is mostly accurate....that's more important to me than the speedo anyhow.
