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Highest Speeds on Sidewinder/Thundercat

Amazing accomplishment Fleecer!! I ride Maine too, the Moosehead area, I would love to see this in action. Best I have seen is 128 on my trail sled across the lake then I let off, I do not have it set up for top speed nor do I intend too. It's quite a handful at near 130.

If you don't mind me asking what do you do for work? Are you an engineer? It seems you have the focus, diligence and knowledge that most don't to dial in a machine for a goal such as this.
Great questions Mark. I answered your questions in a PM. I don't want to bore anyone with my my personal biography. Lol
Glen rode out to the cabin where a group of us were staying in his neck of the woods this winter got a visit. 100 percent stand up guy and he would have no reason to exaggerate his claims.

Hopefully we can get together for a good ride next year Glen. We'll be up there for the second week of Feb. Think snow!
Absolutely, look me up when you get here!!
Impressive Fleece!!
Wow, I don’t get anything near that. I think i broke 120, one time. I have a high windshield, 140 woody gold diggers with stock clutch and motor setup.
With some of us owning Sidewinders for 6 seasons now, I wanted to start a thread on Max Speeds attained thus far. It seems ever year we get faster and faster, so I thought it prudent to share our results here.

I'm not interested in starting a bashing fest. If some want to lie, so be it, however I ask that everyone is honest. Here are the rules:

1. Speeds can be speedo, GPS, or radar gun. Please state how you recorded speed.
2. Indicate distance and terrain. For example, 1/4 mile on ice, or asphalt etc.

A lot of time and research goes into tuning and we all understand that. If you rather not share your setup, that's fine. If you don't mind sharing, please list tune/clutching etc, as I'm sure many could learn here. In the end, I think this could be a productive post, as people can compare performance, see what others are doing, and perhaps improve their sleds.

So....here we go, I'll start. Took my last ride of the year today, temps were low 30s F, and conditions a little soft. The local club groomed last night, but it never went above freezing, so things didn't setup hard, however trails were smooth.

My sled is setup for trail riding with medium windshield and I don't run studs. Sled was factory height, not tied down or anything. On my way home, I was rolling about 100mph, came up to a long stretch with good vision, and held it WOT for about .5 miles. Had my GPS in my pocket it recorded 141 mph. My best all winter was 146 mph while trail riding.

Start sending those numbers....

With some of us owning Sidewinders for 6 seasons now, I wanted to start a thread on Max Speeds attained thus far. It seems ever year we get faster and faster, so I thought it prudent to share our results here.

I'm not interested in starting a bashing fest. If some want to lie, so be it, however I ask that everyone is honest. Here are the rules:

1. Speeds can be speedo, GPS, or radar gun. Please state how you recorded speed.
2. Indicate distance and terrain. For example, 1/4 mile on ice, or asphalt etc.

A lot of time and research goes into tuning and we all understand that. If you rather not share your setup, that's fine. If you don't mind sharing, please list tune/clutching etc, as I'm sure many could learn here. In the end, I think this could be a productive post, as people can compare performance, see what others are doing, and perhaps improve their sleds.

So....here we go, I'll start. Took my last ride of the year today, temps were low 30s F, and conditions a little soft. The local club groomed last night, but it never went above freezing, so things didn't setup hard, however trails were smooth.

My sled is setup for trail riding with medium windshield and I don't run studs. Sled was factory height, not tied down or anything. On my way home, I was rolling about 100mph, came up to a long stretch with good vision, and held it WOT for about .5 miles. Had my GPS in my pocket it recorded 141 mph. My best all winter was 146 mph while trail riding.

Start sending those numbers....
146! What are you running, rocket fuel?
I don’t get anything near that. I think i may have broke 120 on the speedo, one time.
I have a high windshield, 140ish woody gold diggers with stock clutch and stock motor setup. Maybe I should do some mods
Had a buddy send me qualifying times from a race in Quebec. 800 prostock, the top was Relic Racing, isn't that your old 800 @KnappAttack

1.217 60ft
4.623 500ft
107.58 mph
Made a few passes on the lake today
Whoooeee.......that's friggin awesome!!!! You're a hard worker and this is very, very well deserved!!! Congratulations.....and welcome to the 140 Club!!!
Nice Work! Takes a lot of prep, patience, and talent to go that fast. Congratulation!
