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A Surprise from Yamaha

Sled Dog said:
Where do these guys get these ideas holy crap.
That's an easy one, they pay a bunch of Sales & Marketing (S&M) folks a lot of money to build excitement for the new sleds. Sending out a newsletter to dredge up the past isn't going to make the new crossover buyers get all warm and fuzzy now is it?

In fact, it's doubtful that such a newsletter would make the crusty old buyers happy since they quit believing in both Yamaha and Santa Claus anyway.

I don't know about any other crusty old buyers but a cute little model is just what this one needs to take his mind off yard work, the sweltering summer heat, sweat running down the crack of his butt making his underwear all wet, chafing his crotch and getting him to dreaming about what it's going to be like riding that sweet new sled across a frozen lake.

Probably a little too graphic eh? :tg:

SledderSteve said:
I don't know about any other crusty old buyers but a cute little model is just what this one needs to take his mind off yard work, the sweltering summer heat, sweat running down the crack of his butt making his underwear all wet, chafing his crotch and getting him to dreaming about what it's going to be like riding that sweet new sled across a frozen lake.

Probably a little too graphic eh? :tg:

Way too much info there dude!
But it gets to the point and that is enjoy the small token from Yamaha and try to think snow on these hot stinkin days of summer!!
Sled dog, has Doo sent its letter to their customers about their piston issues? How about Cat, did they ever send a letter asking forgivness for using their customers as guinea pigs with the Fcat and I'd like to see the Polaris letter stating the same with the confusion. Get real, any gesture like Yamaha just did goes above and beyond in my book :ORC
impalapower said:
4Fighter said:
I'm still waiting for the recall notice on my W-arm. :o|

Strange how a new model is more important than taking care of a existing problem. :o|

I suppose rewarding pre-season buyers of new models, by sending them plastic toys in the mail is cheaper and more important than doing the right thing?
I want to hear more about these "existing problems" Because I never had them on either my 03 RX-1 or 04 Warrior. If I did I didn't know about it because nothing stranded me like with the "existing problems" with my previous manufacturer :o| I can give you a list of $hit from my Doo Days if you guys want to feel better :ORC
Hey SledderSteve,
Thanks for reminding me why I hate summer,
Untill diving the depths of LK Michigan keeps things cool
I am 38 years old going on 8 waiting for my new toy. But I think I gave my P.O. box when I ordered my sled so I might be screwed.

As far as the gesture it's nice and appreciated.

I'm almost certain Yamaha parts and service department didn't call marketing and sales and say "Hey let's sweep lasts years issues out the door by giving toys away to the people that bought new sleds this year!"

My biggest complaint is that I need 3 of the toy apex's......One for each of my 3 boys.
No need Mighty, You said it all with one word, "Doo"

My RX-1 IS the existing problem.
Mighty we all know how your seld is perfect and you don't have problems. However there are many of us that are not so fortunate. Just because other manus do not send out letters (which they do as well, but even if they didn't) why does that make it ok for Yami to ignore their customers.

I think it is cool they sent the models. Enjoy them guys and gals!
MightyWarrior said:
Sled dog, has Doo sent its letter to their customers about their piston issues? How about Cat, did they ever send a letter asking forgivness for using their customers as guinea pigs with the Fcat and I'd like to see the Polaris letter stating the same with the confusion. Get real, any gesture like Yamaha just did goes above and beyond in my book :ORC

Well I call BS I bought a yami because they were supposed to be not like the North American companies. Sounds to me like you appreciate being used as a Guinea Pig and feel all better because the people who used you make you feel all better now because you were given a toy. I got a better word instead of Guinea pig may be Suckers would be better suited. Watch the paint on the toy dont chip off. :ORC
supeRmanX-1 said:
I'm almost certain Yamaha parts and service department didn't call marketing and sales and say "Hey let's sweep lasts years issues out the door by giving toys away to the people that bought new sleds this year!"

My biggest complaint is that I need 3 of the toy apex's......One for each of my 3 boys.
Get an egg timer

I wonder what they did say then? So far it sounds like TS.

O.K. BlueByYou. But let me point out that there are allot of TYers who are not as fortunate to have solved their RX related problems by buying a new sled, and should have every right to comment on this ridiculous marketing ploy so long as it's sled related. JMO:
BlueByYou2000 said:
4 Fighter, Sled Dog, and Kenlacy,

How are your posts related this thread? If you would like to start a new one, go ahead. Your posts have nothing to do with this topic...BBY

How you ask! well I thought it was pretty obvious. The thread is about recieving toys in the mail. My posts refers to the toys in the mail. My post does not mention other manufacturers.
