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adding more wheels to an rtx se *HELP*


Dec 11, 2011
east haven, CT
i want to add more wheels to my rtx se skid, im about to order some accessories but before i do i want to do the hyfax and add some wheels i looked in the FAQ and read about the wheels someone added to the xtx but i think those holes in a different spot.

does anyone know if the older low snow kit from yamaha will work with the little wheels?

im wanting to add wheels at the bend in the hyfax and maybe 2 more on the inside, as well as adding a fourth wheel kit

id add either yamaha wheels or aftermarket, on my srx i changed every wheel out for polaris wheels but this sled has no wheels compared to an asrx

Take a look at the Schmidt Bros kit too. The inside mid wheel mount would have to be modified for the RTX SE due to the rail re-enforcements.

Love my sbm kit


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Grimm said:
Here's a well laid out post on installing larger wheels on your sled: http://www.ty4stroke.com/viewtopic.php? ... idoo+mount

I just added the Polaris wheels with Ski doo mounts in the rear. The wheels came from MFG supply: http://www.mfgsupply.com/04-0531-20.html and the mount from Ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/180758980906?ss ... 1497.l2649 This an easy install with only a small modification to the mounts. Four wheels, mounts and hardware was just over $100. I havn't added wheels inside the rail yet but probably will eventually. If you're not comfortable buying the parts and doing it yourself contact SBM and they'll set you up.
i think im gonna pass on the excell kit for now and the skidoo mount idea, because i found 2 more stock idlers and a low snow wheel kit im goint to use for now until i get some more cash, i still need to stud the sled and do hyfax so i need to not splurge too much...

where can i find yamaha mounts that i can mount the 2 extra wheels i have towards the rear of the skid, ive seen it done i just cannot fins the part number of the mount to add towards the rear..

any help would be appreciated
I replaced the front Yamaha wheels with the Polaris wheels which also fit the rear Ski Doo mounts that I used. Seeing how the Yamaha and Polaris wheels fit both mounts I would think you could use the Ski Doo mounts in the rear and install the Yamaha wheels on them.
